Teachers’ Perceptions on Inclusion at CENID - Technical University of Babahoyo

Mary Thalía Cifuentes-Rojas, Rina Rosalinda Castañeda-Junco, Julio Ernesto Mora-Aristega


Education is a fundamental human right and is the key to sustained development, peace and stability around the world. Inclusion of students with disabilities into regular classes is a serious concern nowadays. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the teacher’s perceptions on inclusion at CENID - TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BABAHOYO. The data was collected from a survey conducted to ten English teachers of the morning section at CENID - TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BABAHOYO. A questionnaire with ten items set on a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree was used to analyze the teachers’ perceptions on inclusion because it increases response rate and quality, and reduces the participants’ frustration level. Procedures were identical for all participants. They were given and asked to complete the questionnaires in the English area. Most participants were in favor of inclusion, as 17% of them answered they strongly agreed with inclusion, 44 % just agreed, 29 % were neutral, only 6 % disagreed, and 9 % strongly disagreed. The teacher’s perceptions on inclusion at CENID - TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BABAHOYO show that this model is broadly accepted, as only 15% of participants disapproved of it.

Palabras clave

disability; IEP; included; inclusion; likert-type scale; perception.

Texto completo:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23857/pc.v4i7.1017

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