Collaborative learning techniques to improve the english grammar competence

Ana Michelle Elizalde-Rivera, Marcia Iliana Criollo-Vargas


The objective of this research was to improve the English grammatical competence by using collaborative learning techniques among students of eighth year “C” at Unidad Educativa Marieta de Veintimilla. The methods used in this research work were the scientific, descriptive, statistical and analytical-synthetic methods. The instruments used to collect data regarding students' attitude and performance were observation sheets, field notes, tests, and questionnaires. The results obtained showed that students achieved a satisfactory improvement in relation to their English grammatical competence. In conclusion, the use of collaborative learning techniques allowed students to develop their individual and team skills, enhance their relationship, learn to be more dynamic, and fulfill class activities effectively.

Palabras clave

Collaborative learning techniques; english grammatical competence; group skills.

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