Adventures, gamification for active learning in the english language

Mariana Marisol Briones Zambrano, Ketty Zoraida Vergara Mendoza, Fernando Patricio Riera Hermida, Amanda Sofia Moreira Baquerizo


In the contemporary educational arena, the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has profoundly transformed the teaching of English by providing access to interactive tools and authentic resources that enrich the language learning process. These technologies not only facilitate the viewing of relevant content such as videos and podcasts in the target language, but also allow for the subtle integration of gamification elements. Through interactive games and online challenges, students are actively engaged in language acquisition, improving their communication skills in a dynamic and motivating way. Gamified methodology not only diversifies teaching strategies, but also strengthens teachers’ digital competence by adapting their teaching methods to the ever-evolving digital environment. Research underlines how this integration not only stimulates students’ active participation in language use, but also fosters collaborative and effective learning. By introducing game elements into educational activities, a dynamic environment is created where students experience the language in an interactive and playful way, significantly increasing their motivation and commitment to the learning process.

Palabras clave

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Gamification; Interactive learning; Digital competence; Educational English.

Texto completo:



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