A study of students perceptions toward learning english on-line - positive and negative effects
Estudio de las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el aprendizaje del ingls en lnea: efectos positivos y negativos
Um estudo das percepes dos alunos em relao ao aprendizado de ingls on-line - efeitos positivos e negativos
Alfonso Fabian Martnez-Chvez I
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-0162-9671
Correspondencia: fmartineznj@yahoo.com
Ciencias de la educacin
Artculo de revisin
*Recibido: 30 de septiembre de 2020 *Aceptado: 29 de octubre de 2020 * Publicado: 25 de noviembre de 2020
I. Licenciado Ciencias de la Educacin Profesor de Ingls, Docente Investigador, Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo Grupo "SEAPRA", Riobamba, Ecuador.
El idioma ingls es considerado como el idioma global en todo el mundo porque se habla y se escribe ampliamente en diversos campos tales como: ciencia, medios, telecomunicaciones, moda, msica, educacin, entre otros. Por tal motivo, es considerado como el idioma oficial en organizaciones importantes como las Naciones Unidas, por lo que su aprendizaje es requerido en la educacin superior de las universidades ecuatorianas, as como en niveles inferiores. En estos momentos, el mundo entero est atravesando una situacin muy difcil derivada de la pandemia de COVID-19. Esto sin duda ha afectado a la educacin, misma que ahora se lleva a cabo de forma virtual. Con esta investigacin se pretende evaluar la percepcin de los estudiantes universitarios hacia el aprendizaje de ingls en lnea y sus implicaciones positivas y negativas. El estudio ser realizado en la Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo en el tercer semestre de la escuela de Agroindustria.
La metodologa llevada a cabo fue cualitativa-cuantitativa con enfoque descriptivo, se utilizar una encuesta en escala Likert de 15 preguntas y dos preguntas abiertas para recopilar datos y procesarlos con el paquete estadstico SPSS. Los resultados esperados demostrarn cules son las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el uso de herramientas tecnolgicas para aprender ingls y cun efectivo creen que es el aprendizaje en lnea para lograr los objetivos del curso, permitiendo al investigador concluir acerca de las implicaciones positivas y negativas del aprendizaje en lnea.
Palabras clave: Percepciones; modalidad virtual; componentes; efectos.
English language is considered as the global language worldwide because it is widely spoken and written in different fields such as science, media, telecommunications, fashion, music, education, among others. It is also the official language in important organizations like the United Nations, therefore its learning is required in the higher education of Ecuadorian Universities as well as, in the lower levels. Right now, the whole world is going through a difficult situation derived from the COVID 19 Pandemic. This has affected Education, which is now being held virtually. With this research it is pretended to evaluate university students perceptions toward learning English on-line and its positive and negative implications. It will be carried out at Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo in the 3rd semester of Agroindustry School. The methodology was a Qualitative -quantitative with a descriptive approach. A 15 questions Likert scale survey and two open questions will be used to collect data and processed using the SPSS statistic package. Expected results will demonstrate what are students perceptions toward the use of technological tools to learn English and how effective they believed online learning is to achieve the course goals. This will allow the researcher to conclude about the positive and negative implications of on-line learning.
Keywords: Perceptions; virtual modality; components; effects.
A lngua inglesa considerada mundialmente a lngua mundial por ser amplamente falada e escrita em diversos campos como cincia, mdia, telecomunicaes, moda, msica, educao, entre outros. tambm a lngua oficial em organizaes importantes como as Naes Unidas, portanto seu aprendizado requerido tanto no ensino superior das universidades equatorianas como nos nveis inferiores. Neste momento, o mundo inteiro est passando por uma situao difcil derivada da Pandemia COVID 19. Isso afetou a Educao, que agora est sendo realizada virtualmente. Com esta pesquisa, pretende-se avaliar as percepes de estudantes universitrios em relao ao aprendizado de ingls on-line e suas implicaes positivas e negativas. Ser realizado na Escola Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo no 3 semestre da Escola Superior de Agroindstria. A metodologia ser Qualitativa -quantitativa com abordagem descritiva. Uma pesquisa de 15 questes - escala Likert e duas questes abertas sero usadas para coletar dados e processadas usando o pacote estatstico SPSS. Os resultados esperados demonstraro quais so as percepes dos alunos em relao ao uso de ferramentas tecnolgicas para aprender ingls e o quo eficaz eles acreditam que o aprendizado online para atingir os objetivos do curso. Isso permitir ao pesquisador concluir sobre as implicaes positivas e negativas da aprendizagem on-line.
Palavras-chave: Percepes; modalidade virtual; components; efeitos.
The new reality that is happening around the world with the origin of the covid-19 pandemic, has forced educational centers to accept a very great challenge by promoting strategic plans to provide the student community with quality virtual education. Although it is true, this challenge is different for each educational center, since there is a public and private education in the country. This work will focus on the public education of the English subject, taking as a study sample the third semester of Agroindustry School of Escuela Superior de Chimborazo.
According to Suarez and Nieto (2004), the traditional regime of teaching was one, in which the teacher was the agent who prescribed and directed what his students had to do in order to achieve their objectives, in which the majority of the times were stipulated by the same teacher. Teaching classes in a traditional way brought with it serious repercussions on students, since this unidirectional process brought as a consequence an isolated and inert knowledge, that is why both cognitive and affect motivational elements (previous knowledge, self-concepts, learning strategies.) managing to consider the student as an active and self-directed agent in the teaching process.
The formation of a foreign language is in itself a challenge for the teacher, taking into consideration that the bases promoted in each student are different due to various factors, which is why didactic materials have been implemented so that the student shows a greater predisposition In learning the English language, which as it is known, is fundamental in our daily life. Thus, Madrid cites Prats (1997: 85) where it stipulates that the curricular or didactic matter facilitates the learning of intellectual skills, promoting in the student the mastery of techniques used in the disciplines and the approach of prototypes that simulate the manufacture of the knowledge of the different types of knowledge (p. 214).
The real problem arises as a result of the change of modality in education due to the pandemic that is being overcome since both, teachers and students must formulate adequate strategies so that they can continue with the teaching process. The limitations in this aspect are multiple, citing some: lack of internet access, basic computer knowledge, handling of digital tools, previous knowledge, attitude, and predisposition on the part of the students These are some of the obstacles presented by teaching English classes in virtual mode, being the main reason of study in the present work to give an answer on the perceptions of students towards learning English in virtual mode, wanting to know its positive effects and negatives of it. (Zamari, Mohd, Idris, & Yusof,2012)
The present investigative work follows the following process:
Identification of the main scientific articles and relevant documents regarding the subject.
Selection of the study sample and survey on the Likert scale.
Collection and tabulation of data through the SPSS statistical package.
Interpretation of the results obtained previously.
The study presents qualitative-quantitative variables with descriptive approaches since it was executed from scientific documentation used for theoretical foundation, also making use of the argumentation throughout this work, which was based on the theoretical principles investigated and on the data collected through the survey directed to the study sample, third semester students of the Agroindustry School of the Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo. Likewise, the data obtained were processed and tabulated by the SPSS statistical program for greater confidence and certainty of the results obtained. Finally, an interpretation of the results obtained is carried out an accurate answer to the previously exposed problem.
In the field of learning, they infer various factors that make students have a greater affinity and interest to know in depth about a certain subject. Learning a second language such as English generates a bit of controversy for most students and they take the course because it is a requirement to pass it in undergraduate studies. This may be the consequence of a bad educational system that has been developing in the country for a long time, if the subject is superficially analyzed, the conclusion is reached that public education in English is very precarious, considering that a modality was managed by face to face, considering that the chair is taught from school and the results are meager in the vast majority of students who are pursuing a third-level career. (Enoh, 2019)
For this reason, Jimnez cites Brown (2002) where he explains the different types of students, who have different preferences and styles when learning. Some of these are: visual, analytical, and mostly impulsive or spontaneous, others develop a sense more than the other, for example, they use their hearing more than their hands to learn. Other students learn through music, through numbers or drawings they make, relating concepts to objects they have at hand, others like reading more than talking, working individually or in teams.
Taking all these considerations, in a normal setting such as face-to-face classes, teachers had to plan a dynamic and entertaining way to capture the attention of students when teaching the English course, but currently, this has been deteriorating due to the adaptation of both the teacher and the student to a new modality in which none of the participants was used to following, virtual modality. (Alonso & Kim, 2016)
Confinement has forced all people worldwide to adapt to this new lifestyle with teleworking, remote studies. where the most used tools are electronic devices such as the computer, tablet, cell phone together with the management of teleconferencing platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google meetings. This has represented a great challenge for everyone since some teachers have had to receive courses on the management of these new tools, which they did not use in their daily lives because they did not see them as necessary.
On the other hand, the situation of students in this online modality is even more precarious, taking into account that, when receiving a public education, the economic situation of each family is very different, representing a great limitation when it comes to being educated, many of the students do not have an electronic device for their own use so they must share with their siblings or parents, creating an obstacle in this process. Another point to address is the internet, since connectivity in some sectors is low, preventing students from having an interest and motivation in learning the subject. (Hall, Connolly, Grdaigh, Burden, Kearney,Schuck, & Koenraad,2020).
Jimenez cites Harmer (2007), where he explains that the main factor for the success or failure of the chair in students is motivation, which maintains a type of internal impulse within each student that pushes and makes them do the same. things in a better way and with the greatest predisposition of the case (p. 3). It is necessary to emphasize that some of the students find it difficult to learn a second language such as English, since they do not have the necessary instruments, interest or simply find it difficult to understand the subject, now with this new modality, this problem has become increased because young people need to have an individual direction given by the teacher but with online education, the teacher can't solve questions for each of the students due to the time limit that each class session has.
Consequently, a primary source study has been carried out using the Likert scale survey as an instrument, to know the perception that students of the Agroindustry School of Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo have towards learning English online, in the form which a sample of 78 participants has been selected and 15 questions have been asked to cover doubts regarding the initial topic of the work, the results were tabulated and processed by the SPSS statistical package, finally they are presented in pie charts for greater understanding and interpretation of the same, then we proceed to reflect the results obtained.
1: Age
Source: Author, 2020
In the above graph it can be seen that most of the students of the Agroindustry school of Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, with a percentage of 43.60% are between 20 and 22 years old, followed by 32.10% of students who They cover an age between 23 and 25 years and finally with 24.40% of the students are between 17 and 19 years old, this is because the chosen sample was focused on third semester students.
2: Gender
Source: Author, 2020
In the graph presented it can be seen that the most prevalent gender whose percentage is 60.30% is female, and with 39.70% it is covered by male gender.
It should be noted that the two questions presented in the survey serve as a guide for the author to guide her study. With this, it is concluded that the sample studied is mostly female whose age ranges from 20 to 22 years.
3: How easy was it for you to use teams, zoom, whatsapp,
learning platforms?
Source: Author, 2020
After the graph presented, it can be seen that 42.90% of the students in the
study sample found it easy to use teams, zoom, WhatsApp, and learning
platforms, followed by 23.40% where the result was something easy, considering
that not all students have the technological skills to function in this new
virtual modality with learning English, then it can be seen that with 22.10%
the students answered that it was really easy to use the learning platforms and
finally, with 10.40%, said use seemed somewhat difficult.
These results are vital when it comes to interpreting the discomfort that has been generated in some students of the sample, the use of technological tools is recommended to be taught from an early age so that students can create a good practice in their use.
Graph 4: How easy was it for you to have a computer, cell phone, or other devices to access all your English classes?
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Source: Author, 2020
After the graph presented in which the students respond to the accessibility of technological equipment to receive English classes, 39% of the students found it easy to have access to them, followed by 27.30% in which it was something easy and 14.30% where accessibility to technological devices was somewhat difficult for students.
With these data, the aforementioned is confirmed, that one of the limitations for learning English online is due to the different economic conditions that each of the students has, where in some cases the technological devices must be rotated with members of the family, either for study or work.
5: How easily could you access to internet, to get
online learning English classes?
Source: Author, 2020
With the graph presented, it can be seen that 36.40% of the students found it easy to have access to the internet to receive English classes online, it is a somewhat alarming figure since less than half of the surveyed sample has good accessibility to it, followed by 33.80% where the students answered that it was somewhat easy to have a good connection, and with 11.70% where it was somewhat difficult and difficult for them to access the internet.
This is certainly a big problem for students, as classes are now online and they must have a good connection for them to learn in the best possible way, but most homes lack a good internet package causing inconvenience in student learning.
6: How easy was it for you submit your learning
assignments online?
Source: Author, 2020
The results of the following question on how easy it was for students to submit their assignments in online learning was that 40.30% found it easy, followed by 32.50% who answered that it was somewhat easy and 11.70% % in which it was somewhat difficult, these results corroborate the statement that has been developed at work about the training that students should have with technological tools, having basic computer knowledge will undoubtedly facilitate learning in this new modality teaching.
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Graph 7: How easy was it for you to access online materials and resources?
Source: Author, 2020
With this question posed in the survey on the ease of accessing materials and online resources, the students responded with 41.60% that it was easy, followed by 36.40% where it was somewhat easy, here it should be noted that the difference between these percentages is short, and it is a figure that should be emphasized due to the lack of technological knowledge that students possess despite the fact that they are pursuing third level studies.
8: How easy was it for you to feel motivated to learn
English using technology?
Source: Author, 2020
After the question about the degree of motivation that students had to learn English through technology, it was surprising, since 44.70% of the students surveyed found it easy, followed by 32.90% in which it was somewhat easy and 9.20% where there was an increase in difficulty.
With this question, it has been possible to verify that the predisposition of students to learn the English language online is high and that the strategies or didactic materials used by the teacher to teach their classes are giving good results in the teaching process.
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Graph 9: How easy was it for you to focus/ concentrate during your English classes using technology?
Source: Author, 2020
It can be seen that the concentration of students during online English classes is good since 36.40% responded that it is easy for them, followed by 35.10% where it seems somewhat easy to concentrate in classes, and finally the 14.30% emit that they find it somewhat difficult.
It is reasonable for students to present this type of answers since when receiving online classes in a familiar environment, there are many distractions that can disturb the total concentration of students, it is difficult to receive classes online since with face-to-face mode, being in a classroom each of the students has 100% of their concentration on the teacher and their learning increases considerably, the opposite scenario occurs when each student is directly responsible, since there are many distractions such as cell phones, social networks, the family, etc., creating an obstacle to learning.
It should be noted that the difference between the results stated above is minimal, and can be explained by the reasons stated in the previous paragraph.
10: How easily did you develop your speaking
skills with online classes?
Source: Author, 2020
In the following question about the development of speaking skills with online classes, there is a parity between the easy result and something easy, where the percentage thrown in the survey is 36.80% for both answers, followed by 13.20 % where the students found it somewhat difficult.
Indeed, the results on the development of students speaking in English are medium high, since the issue of pronunciation is one of the biggest shortcomings in the teaching of the English subject and correcting these shortcomings by the teacher with this The new modality is complicated by the number of students in charge and by the time of the classes. However, the disposition of the students in the classes has yielded good results in terms of speaking in English.
11: How easily did you develop your reading
skills with online classes?
Source: Author, 2020
In this question which focuses on the development of reading with online classes, the students responded with 39.50% that it was easy followed by 35.50% where it was something easy for the students and finally with 14.50% where it was somewhat difficult for them.
It can be seen in this question that the results are almost even between easy and somewhat easy and is due to the lack of vocabulary on the part of the students, some students have the misconception that learning English is when you speak, as reflected in the graph 10 and neglect the reading part because they do not consider it necessary in learning and thus fall into a serious error in their learning.
12: How easily did you develop your writing
skills with online classes?
Source: Author, 2020
This question is complemented with the one stipulated in graph 11, since it covers the topic of writing development with online classes in which 39% of students answered that it was easy, followed by 37.70 % where it was something easy and a 9.10% result that was the same where it was something difficult and very difficult.
This may be a consequence of the limited vocabulary that students handle by not giving real importance to reading and writing, in addition, writing in English is complex because they must follow certain structures that can confuse students if they do not develop this type of skill.
13: How easily did you develop your listening
skills with online classes?
Source: Author, 2020
Regarding the development of listening skills with online classes, the students showed a percentage of 41.60% where it was easy for them to do it, followed by 32.50% where it was something easy and 14, 30% where students found it somewhat difficult to do so.
The development of the ability to listen is highly variable in each student due to the complexity at the beginning, as it is a language where it is spoken more quickly than we are used to in our society, so it is recommended that students listen to music, watching movies, series in English so that your ear can adapt and your brain works better to understand the dialogues.
Graph 14: How easy was it for you to use online quizzes and other evaluation feedback materials for your learning?
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Source: Author, 2020
In the development of the question on the ease of using online tests or other feedback materials for learning, 44.70% of the students surveyed found it easy, followed by 38.20% where it is reflected that it was something easy.
This may be due to the time limit in each evaluation, most of the students get nervous, anxious about the time given to them to take the evaluation, becoming a limitation when assessing learning. It should be mentioned that in terms of English teaching there are dynamic platforms that help students learn in a fun way, which are used by teachers to facilitate learning, one of the platforms used is My English Lab.
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Graph 15: How easily did you learn all the contents provided for your teacher through the English online classes?
Source: Author, 2020
Regarding the ease of learning of all the contents that the teacher covered in online classes, the result was favorable, since 46.70% found it easy, followed by 34.70% who found it somewhat easy and 12% who answered that it was somewhat difficult.
The results obtained in this question are positive since the majority of the students showed good motivation and disposition to face the challenge of learning English online due to the pandemic.
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Graph 16: How easily did you develop autonomy and self-study to learn English with technology?
Source: Author, 2020
In this question about the development of online English self-learning, it is found that 44.70% of the students found it easy, followed by 34.20% that it was somewhat easy and 14.50% that it was somewhat difficult. These results complement the information in graph 15, which reaffirms that the predisposition of the students is high despite the chaotic pandemic environment that is being experienced.
Given the increase in infections due to the covid-19 pandemic, it forced schools to seek strategies to continue teaching classes in which the online modality was approved, in order to protect the integrity of both staff administrative, teachers, and student. The topic to be answered in this work was on the Perceptions of Students towards larning English online, its positive and negative effects, this is how after the study that has been developed in the present it is concluded that there are various factors that can limited the on line learning English in students such as economic situations of families, internet access, knowledge and use of digital platforms, motivation, among others.
The data from the survey and the results tabulated by statistical packages allowed a greater understanding of the real scenario of the students in this new learning modality, it should be noted that the sample studied was 78 students, where the majority are female whose age They include 20 to 22 years old as they are third semester students of ESPOCH Agroindustry School.
Most of the responses from the students were that learning English online was easy for them, whether in developing speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills, in terms of taking tests and learning all contents that the teacher covered in the academic period. These data reflect good behavior on the part of the teacher and the students since both have taken up the challenge of the online modality to reinforce their knowledge through self-study, have a good disposition and motivation to learn the universal language such as English, showing that the effects on students are mostly positive.
However, there are negative effects in this new online modality such as distractions that students are constantly immersed in, not having control in classes, students can use the cell phone, surf the internet, social networks. where learning difficulties would increase. In turn, the teacher does not have the certainty that the results of the exams are reliable in their entirety, since there may be dishonest behavior on the part of the student with the aim of passing the subject without the necessary interest in learning.
It should be emphasized that learning a second language such as English is a plus for people's professional development, which allows them to have endless opportunities either for employment, fourth or fifth level studies in other countries around the world. English is indispensable in our society and learning it depends solely on you.
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5. Jimnez, P. K. (s.f.). a study of students perceptions toward leaning english on-line - positive and negative effects.
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7. Suarez, j. M., & nieto, d. A. (2004). Educacin a distancia y presencial: diferencias en los componentes cognitivo y motivacional de estudiantes universitarios. Universidad nacional de educacin a distancia, 1-11. Obtenido de http://revistas.uned.es/index.php/ried/article/view/1075/991
8. Zamari, Z. M., Mohd, A. H., Idris, S. L., & Yusof, J. (2012). Students Perception of Using Online Language Learning Materials. SciVerse Science Direct, 1-12.
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