Uso de Plataformas para Clases Virtuales en el Área de Inglés en Tiempos de Covid, con los Alumnos y Profesores del Colegio Carlos Zevallos Menéndez
The Use of Platforms For Virtual Classes in the English Area During Covid Time, with the Students and Teachers of the Carlos Zevallos Menéndez School
Uso de Plataformas para Aulas Virtuais na Área de Inglês em Tempos de Covid, com Alunos e Professores da Escola Carlos Zevallos Menéndez
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Ciencias Técnicas y Aplicadas
Artículo de Investigación
*Recibido: 04 de enero de 2022 *Aceptado: 31 de enero de 2022 * Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2022
- Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Profesora de Idiomas, Inglés, Master en Lenguas Extranjeras con mención inglés. Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.
- Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesora de Idiomas Mención Inglés. Unidad Educativa Juan de Velasco, Ecuador.
- Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesora de Idiomas Mención Inglés. Unidad Educativa Licto, Ecuador.
- Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Profesora de Idiomas: Inglés Unidad Educativa San Juan, Ecuador.
El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar los beneficios de la aplicación de plataformas virtuales en tiempos de la pandemia causada por el COVID 19 para la educación de los alumnos del colegio Carlos Zevallos Menéndez en el área de inglés. La metodología utilizada para su realización fue cualitativa y cuantitativa, apoyada en métodos exploratorios, descriptivos, explicativos, históricos y analíticos. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de información fue una encuesta. Los principales resultados mostraron que las plataformas virtuales en el proceso del programa educativo 2020-2021 fueron sin duda un gran reto para directivos, docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia que tuvieron que adaptarse a una nueva modalidad de enseñanza virtual, con la participación activa de la comunidad educativa. La modalidad era diferente, pero el propósito seguía siendo el mismo, promover un ambiente de enseñanza y aprendizaje que favoreciera el desarrollo del talento, la creatividad y la inteligencia, de acuerdo con las diferencias individuales y las necesidades educativas de cada estudiante, con una condición de salud que nunca se esperó y que hizo que toda la comunidad educativa fuera más creativa e innovadora.
Palabras Clave: Educación; Plataformas; Clases virtuales; Estrategias.
The main objective of this study was to determine the benefits of the application of virtual platforms in times of the pandemic caused by COVID 19 for the education of students at Carlos Zevallos Menéndez school in the area of English. The methodology used for its execution was qualitative and quantitative, supported by exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, historical and analytical methods. The instrument used for gathering information was a survey. The main results showed that virtual platforms in the process of the 2020-2021 educational program was undoubtedly a great challenge for managers, teachers, students, and parents who had to adapt to a new modality of virtual teaching, with the active participation of the educational community. The modality was different, but the purpose remained the same, to promote a teaching and learning environment which helps the development of talent, creativity, and intelligence, according to the individual differences and educational needs of each student, with a health condition that was never expected and that made the entire educational community more creative and innovative.
Key Words: Education; Platforms; Virtual classes; Strategies.
O principal objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os benefícios da aplicação de plataformas virtuais em tempos de pandemia causada pelo COVID 19 para a educação dos alunos da escola Carlos Zevallos Menéndez na área de inglês. A metodologia utilizada para sua realização foi qualitativa e quantitativa, apoiada em métodos exploratórios, descritivos, explicativos, históricos e analíticos. O instrumento utilizado para coletar as informações foi um questionário. Os principais resultados mostraram que as plataformas virtuais no processo do programa educacional 2020-2021 foram, sem dúvida, um grande desafio para gestores, professores, alunos e pais que tiveram que se adaptar a uma nova modalidade de ensino virtual, com a participação ativa da comunidade educativa. A modalidade foi diferente, mas o propósito permaneceu o mesmo, promover um ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem que favoreça o desenvolvimento do talento, criatividade e inteligência, de acordo com as diferenças individuais e as necessidades educacionais de cada aluno, com uma condição de saúde que nunca foi esperado e que tornou toda a comunidade educativa mais criativa e inovadora.
Palavras-chave: Educação; Plataformas; aulas virtuais; Estratégias.
The COVID-19 pandemic, which gave rise to WHO (2020) on 31 December 2019 in Wuhan, China, is being lived globally. The exact source that generates it is still unknown about this virus of animal origin. Chances are it'll come from the bats. This situation of confinement caused by the virus has wreaked havoc in all sectors, with education perhaps one of the hardest hits, UNESCO (United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture) (2020) mentions that, the highest authorities in each country, dictated measures such as the closure of schools to prevent spread and that education is released from a distance.
As for Ecuador, the President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, declared health emergency throughout the country, with the aim of preventing the spread of coronavirus, one of the sectors most affected was education, since all academic activity was suspended in schools, colleges and universities. (Communication Secretary, 2020)
Due to the emergence of COVID-19, the closure of schools being one of the first steps that all nations take (reaching global confinement to stop the uncontrolled spread), is accelerating a process of digital transformation that has gone from unstoppable, to totally necessary to avoid disruption in routines.
While many countries, especially in Latin America, were unprepared for these changes, the coronavirus pandemic has tested the preparedness of centers to deal with a crisis that requires online and remote action in adapting innovative methodologies for learning.
This work is a descriptive research, aimed at providing information on the advantages of virtual platforms according to our means caused by the current covid 19 pandemics. The data obtained are the product of research on the Internet, bibliography and surveys through the web.
According to descriptive research, "it includes the description, registration, analysis and interpretation of the current nature, and the composition or process of phenomena. The approach is made on dominant conclusions or on a group of people, group or things, driving or operating in the present"(Tamayo & Tamayo )
The approach to apply in this research topic is the quantitative approach. In this approach, the analysis of information is based on quantities and/or dimensions. That is, the numerical element has prominence.
When a quantitative approach is used in an investigation, the researcher's hypotheses are subjected to numerical measurements and their results are statistically analyzed. This is an objective and rigorous investigation in which the numbers are significant. This approach allows to achieve a very particular and verifiable knowledge of the object of study, in addition, it is a sequential and deductive work in which the verification of hypotheses is usually faster.
(Blasco & Perez, 2007)"they point out that qualitative research studies reality in its natural context and how it happens, bringing out and interpreting phenomena according to the people involved."
It uses a variety of tools to collect information such as interviews, images, observations, life stories, describing routines and problematic situations, as well as meanings in the lives of participants
Methods, techniques and research tools
The survey is a technique of obtaining information about a part of the population or sample, by using the questionnaire or interview.
It is a format written in the form of an interrogation to obtain information about the variables being investigated, can be applied personally or by mail and individually or collectively, and must reflect and be related to the variables and their indicators.
Designing questions
Questions are designed as follows:
- Specific and concrete.
- Avoid questions that suggest answers
- Avoid double questions in one.
- Open: When the questioner answers freely, presenting the difficulty in tabulating them
- Closed or diatomic: These are those in which they are answered with YES or NO or with a third alternative, they are easy to tabulate.
This research topic will focus on the students and teachers of the Carlos Zevallos Menéndez school, as well as parents and others who have a knowledge and use of virtual platforms
The population to be able to carry out the surveys are the students and teachers of the Carlos Zevallos Menéndez school, as well as other potential users who are in use of the virtual platforms
Because virtual education is applicable at any level of education, efforts have been made to collect the criteria of those directly linked to the educational process, both students and teachers, and parents of such students have also been included, so a sample of fifty students has been taken to gather information on the opinions of the use of virtual platforms in education.
According to the results obtained in the survey that was carried out with students and teachers of the Carlos Zevallos Menéndez educational unit, provided us with favorable data on the advantages of the application of virtual platforms, one of them is the ease of access to virtual classes, the time saving, the ability to interact with the teacher through the platform, and an effective means to prevent the spread of COVID-19, have given us indications of how beneficial the application of virtual platforms is.
The use of virtual platforms in the process of the 2020-2021 educational program was undoubtedly a great challenge for managers, teachers, students, and parents who had to adapt to a new modality of virtual teaching, with the active participation of the educational community. , the modality was different, but the purpose remained the same, to promote a teaching and learning environment that favors the development of talent, creativity, and intelligence, according to the individual differences and educational needs of each student, with a health condition that was never expected and that made the entire educational community more creative and innovative.
Students and teachers joined the modality of managing virtual platforms with pedagogical support and intensive use of either WhatsApp or Messenger. The education of values such as life, family, harmonious coexistence, and assertive communication embodied in each interdisciplinary project of the pedagogical guides was also highlighted.
From my point of view, I consider that the most significant experience that the study program on virtual platforms has left us, is the management of these and teamwork, either between students or with the mediator teacher, this made it easier the learning process since by using different technological means, the classes were more fun. These gave us the possibility to develop different types of skills, such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking, very useful in the case of languages.
For each teacher, the use of a platform was essential, since they had to know its use in a few days in addition to choosing the most convenient and easy to use for everyone, it is here that the Ministry of Education in agreement with the central university of Quito instructs us on a platform of easy access and use and establishes it as the main platform but making it clear that any platform or means of communication would be valid. Along the way, we found some easy-to-use platforms such as Microsoft teams, Moodle, zoom, among others, which we had to learn to handle in a short time, due to the health crisis that we had to live at the beginning of a new school year. In this sense, as teachers, we not only had to learn the use of virtual platforms, but we also had to help our students 100% with their use, since the resources and teaching materials prepared by the Ministry of Education were sent on this way.
With Microsoft Teams, we had tutorials, audio and video calls, instant messaging, and other important tools that let us help our students on how to develop a degree project, and in the case of the 3rd year of high school they had to live the incorporation processes through the Microsoft Team virtual platform, perhaps it was not how we dreamed one face-to-face graduation, but our institution had prepared a virtual event for us through this platform with various resources provided by it.
Pioneers in this virtual modality, the boys had to live it with its pros and cons, but with the firm conviction of getting ahead in a school year full of uncertainties, but with the faith placed in the creator that everything will pass.
- Blasco, & Pérez. (2007). Enfoque cualitativo. Obtenido de Enfoque cualitativo:
- Díaz, S. (2009). Observatorio Tecnologico. Obtenido de Plataformas virtuales.:
- Monserrat Creamer. (15 de marzo de 2020). El comercio. Obtenido de Plataformas y aplicaciones son herramientas para teleestudio:
- Pardo, S. (2009). Plataformas virtuales. Obtenido de El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediante el uso de plataformas virtuales en distintas etapas educativas - Plataformas virtuales.:
- secretaria de comunicación. (16 de Marzo de 2020). Obtenido de El presidente Lenín Moreno decreta Estado de Excepción para evitar la propagación del COVID-19:,coronavirus%20(COVID%2D19).
- Tamayo , & Tamayo , M. (s.f.). Proceso de Investigación Científica.
- Victoria, S. (2008). El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediante el uso de plataformas virtuales en distintas etapas educativas - Plataformas virtuales. Obtenido de Plataformas virtuales.:
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Polo del Conocimiento
Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria
ISSN: 2550-682X
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