Efectividad de la enseanza del Ingls con enfoque en inteligencias mltiples zona rural La Abundancia
Effectiveness of English Teaching with a Multiple Intelligences Approach Rural Area at La Abundancia
Eficcia do ensino de ingls com foco nas inteligncias mltiplas na zona rural de La Abundancia
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Correspondencia: dolalla.est@uteg.edu.ec
Ciencias de la Educacin
Artculo de Investigacin
* Recibido: 09 de febrero de 2024 *Aceptado: 22 de marzo de 2024 * Publicado: 08 de abril de 2024
I. Ecoturism Engineer: Full-time professor of Foreign Language at CEPE Educational Unit, Puerto Quito, Ecuador.
II. Master of Science in Management Information Systems, Technological Business University of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
En el contexto del Recinto San Antonio de la Abundancia en Pichincha, Ecuador, este estudio investig la efectividad de la enseanza del ingls con un enfoque en las Inteligencias Mltiples. La metodologa adopt un enfoque descriptivo cualitativo, centrndose en la recopilacin de datos observacionales y percepciones directas de estudiantes y profesores. La investigacin se bas en recopilar datos observacionales y percepciones directas de estudiantes y profesores. La recepcin generalmente positiva, junto con el aumento en la participacin vinculado a la motivacin intrnseca y la conexin emocional con el contenido, fue evidente. A pesar de que la introduccin de nuevas dinmicas gener incomodidad inicial, los beneficios identificados sugieren que estas estrategias no solo mejoran las habilidades lingsticas, sino que tambin contribuyen al desarrollo personal. En conclusin, este estudio destaca la relevancia y la adaptabilidad de las estrategias basadas en las Inteligencias Mltiples en la enseanza del ingls en contextos rurales, proporcionando una base para investigaciones futuras y ofreciendo a educadores valiosas herramientas para optimizar el aprendizaje en comunidades como el Recinto San Antonio de la Abundancia.
Palabras clave: Inteligencias mltiples; competencia en ingls; estrategias pedaggicas; inclusin educativa.
In the context of the San Antonio de la Abundancia Campus in Pichincha, Ecuador, this study investigated the effectiveness of teaching English with a focus on Multiple Intelligences. The methodology adopted a qualitative descriptive approach, focusing on the collection of observational data and direct perceptions of students and teachers. The research was based on collecting observational data and direct perceptions of students and teachers. The generally positive reception, along with increased engagement linked to intrinsic motivation and emotional connection to the content, was evident. Although the introduction of new dynamics generated initial discomfort, the identified benefits suggest that these strategies not only improve linguistic skills, but also contribute to personal development. In conclusion, this study highlights the relevance and adaptability of strategies based on Multiple Intelligences in teaching English in rural contexts, providing a basis for future research and offering educators valuable tools to optimize learning in communities such as Recinto San Antonio of Abundance.
Keywords: Multiple intelligences; English proficiency; pedagogical strategies; educational inclusion.
No contexto do Campus San Antonio de la Abundancia em Pichincha, Equador, este estudo investigou a eficcia do ensino de ingls com foco em Inteligncias Mltiplas. A metodologia adotou uma abordagem qualitativa descritiva, com foco na coleta de dados observacionais e percepes diretas de alunos e professores. A pesquisa baseou-se na coleta de dados observacionais e percepes diretas de alunos e professores. A recepo geralmente positiva, juntamente com o aumento do envolvimento ligado motivao intrnseca e ligao emocional ao contedo, foi evidente. Embora a introduo de novas dinmicas tenha gerado desconforto inicial, os benefcios identificados sugerem que estas estratgias no s melhoram as competncias lingusticas, mas tambm contribuem para o desenvolvimento pessoal. Concluindo, este estudo destaca a relevncia e adaptabilidade de estratgias baseadas em Inteligncias Mltiplas no ensino de Ingls em contextos rurais, fornecendo uma base para pesquisas futuras e oferecendo aos educadores ferramentas valiosas para otimizar a aprendizagem em comunidades como o Recinto San Antonio of Abundance.
Palavras-chave: Inteligncias mltiplas; Proficincia em Ingls; estratgias pedaggicas; incluso educacional.
The research was conducted to address a critical issue in the educational context of La Abundancia, Puerto Quito - Pichincha Ecuador, which is the deficient teaching of English as a foreign language. The importance of this research lies in several fundamental aspects:
There is a clear disparity in English proficiency levels between students from rural and urban areas, creating a significant disadvantage for rural students in terms of educational and professional opportunities. This limits the future prospects of rural students. Mahmud (2019) mentions that the disparity in English proficiency levels between students from rural and urban areas is a significant issue that needs to be addressed.
The lack of adequate educational resources in rural schools, the shortage of trained English teachers, and the lack of student motivation. Mahmud (2019) suggests the need to implement public policies that ensure rural students' access to quality educational resources and the training of qualified English teachers.
This study is based on the premise that a descriptive analysis of the pedagogical approach based on Multiple Intelligences could provide relevant data to enhance English language teaching in rural contexts. According to Cordeiro (2018), previous research on the application of the Multiple Intelligences approach in foreign language teaching has indicated that this method is effective in improving students' learning process.
Ultimately, the research seeks to contribute to the improvement of the educational and professional prospects of rural students in Ecuador, helping them acquire English skills that are increasingly important in today's globalized world. The conduct of this research is justified by the pressing need to address the existing issues and provide concrete solutions to improve the quality of English teaching in rural contexts
English language teaching as a foreign language are evident. Previous research, as highlighted by Ismail et al. (2020), has examined this issue, which includes notably low levels of English proficiency.
This research focuses on a rural area of Ecuador within an educational unit of interest. The study is conducted over a specific period and targets the student population from the rural area of La Abundancia at the middle basic sublevel, as well as English teachers from the same study space. Maharma (2021) mentions that these boundaries help clearly define the scope of the research and ensure that the conclusions are applicable to this particular population and context.
The central research question guiding this study is: What is the effectiveness of English language teaching with a focus on Multiple Intelligences in an educational unit in a rural area of Ecuador, specifically "La Abundancia"?
In this study, titled "Effectiveness of English Teaching with a Focus on Multiple Intelligences in Rural Area La Abundancia: A Study in La Abundancia, Ecuador," the current lack of specific pedagogical strategies based on Multiple Intelligences in English language teaching in middle basic education in the mentioned rural area is addressed. The general objective of the study is to compare the effectiveness of applying Multiple Intelligences theory in learning English in an educational environment in the rural area "La Abundancia" at the middle basic level. The research questions are directly aligned with the study objectives: first, to describe the pedagogical strategies based on Multiple Intelligences used in English teaching; second, to explore the application of these strategies and their outcomes in terms of students' language proficiency; finally, to analyze students' perception of English teaching with a focus on Multiple Intelligences and how this perception influences their motivation and performance in language learning. These specific objectives are directly connected with the research questions, aiming to fill the existing gap in the implementation of innovative pedagogical strategies and evaluating their impact both in terms of language proficiency and students' motivation in learning English.
In the specific context of the CEPE Educational Unit, located in the San Antonio de la Abundancia area, the educational reality presents particular challenges. The school accommodates students from various surrounding communities, many of whom are directly involved in agricultural activities. This diverse environment poses a unique opportunity to explore the effectiveness of English teaching strategies in a rural context, where dynamics and specific needs may significantly differ from urban environments.
Despite the cultural and labor richness of the students in the agricultural field, a discrepancy in English language learning levels is observed concerning the guidelines established by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador. This gap raises crucial questions about the teaching methods employed and their adaptability to the particular characteristics of the students at the CEPE Educational Unit. According to Narad (2019), the incorporation of activities that cater to the different intelligences of students, such as artistic projects, debates, group activities, and oral presentations, can enhance motivation, interest, and performance in English language learning. The need to address this gap is not only linked to meeting educational standards but also to empower students to effectively integrate into an increasingly globalized world.
In this context, the reviewed academic background, such as Luna's study (2019), which emphasizes the importance of adapting teaching strategies to address the diverse intelligences of students, becomes critically relevant. Additionally, Attwood's research (2022) demonstrates that the incorporation of activities and strategies designed to address students' different intelligences, such as artistic activities, music, movement, and group work, can significantly increase students' motivation towards English language learning. Ghounane (2021) emphasizes the relevance of using Multiple Intelligences-based approaches in English language teaching.
The connection between Multiple Intelligences-based approaches and the improvement of students' motivation and performance in English language learning, as mentioned by Raafat (2023), presents a more personalized learning experience according to each student's abilities. This approach is seen as a promising path to address the specific challenges faced by the CEPE Educational Unit in its rural and agricultural context. These findings provide a solid and relevant theoretical basis for the research that seeks not only to meet educational standards but also to significantly enhance students' learning experience in this specific environment.
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences
According to Gardner (1983), the theory of multiple intelligences is a conception of human cognition that posits the existence of eight independent intelligences, each with its respective strengths and weaknesses. These intelligences encompass linguistic ability to use language effectively, both orally and in writing; logical-mathematical capacity for reasoning and problem-solving; spatial prowess to think in three dimensions and visualize the world in spatial terms; musical competence to perceive, understand, and create music; bodily-kinesthetic aptitude to express oneself and solve problems through the body; interpersonal ability to understand and relate to others; intrapersonal intelligence to understand and reflect on oneself, and naturalistic competence to appreciate and comprehend the natural world.
Effectiveness of English language teaching
The effectiveness in teaching the English language is enhanced through a comprehensive approach that encompasses everything from the teacher's attitudes to daily interaction in the classroom. Moreno, Rodriguez, Alvarez, and Navarro (2023) mention that considering sensitive periods for teaching and implementing gradual didactic sequences, aligned with students' neurodevelopment, establish solid foundations. The introduction of didactic resources enriched with multisensory stimuli and the creation of a positive emotional climate contribute to a conducive learning environment. Strategies such as body movement activities, multisensory stimulation, and systematic listening to English reinforce language immersion.
Attention to cognition, avoiding distractions, and adopting participative approaches, combined with constant assessments and detailed feedback, tailor the learning process to individual needs. Ultimately, emphasis on the use of English in real-life situations, integration of reading activities and English games, and promotion of teamwork exclusively in this language foster a solid and contextualized linguistic competence.
Content-based instruction
In some cases, a content-based teaching approach has been utilized where English is taught in the context of other subjects or topics. Grossman (2005) points out that subjects such as mathematics or science are used to make English learning more relevant and practical.
Oral expression
"It is the students' ability to communicate verbally in English fluently and effectively, expressing their ideas, thoughts, and opinions clearly and coherently." Gonzlez and Calero (2019).
This study adopted a descriptive qualitative approach to explore the impact of English language teaching with a focus on Multiple Intelligences on middle basic education students in the La Abundancia area, Ecuador. The research was conducted in a non-experimental manner, focusing on the collection of observational data and obtaining direct perceptions and experiences from students and teachers.
Participant selection was carried out through purposive sampling, carefully choosing middle basic education students and English teachers at the CEPE Educational Unit in the La Abundancia area. The selection of these groups is based on their direct involvement in the implementation and experience of English teaching with a focus on Multiple Intelligences in the specific rural context.
Selection criteria included:
English proficiency level: Students with different levels of English proficiency were selected to gain a more comprehensive perspective on how the methodology affects different levels of language competence.
Active participation: Consideration was given to include students demonstrating varied levels of active participation in class to assess how the methodology may influence student motivation and participation.
Socioeconomic diversity: Socioeconomic diversity was taken into account to understand how teaching English with a focus on Multiple Intelligences affects students from different backgrounds and family resources.
This strategic selection allowed capturing a diversity of perspectives and experiences among the participants, thus contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the impacts of the methodology under study.
A total of 50 students from the middle basic education sublevel of the Educational Unit participated, considering time and resource constraints. This sample size allowed for a detailed and rich exploration of participants' perceptions and experiences, ensuring a variety of voices within the selected population were captured.
The grades involved in the research were 8th, 9th, and 10th levels, corresponding to the sublevel of Upper Basic Education.
According to the Ministry of Education regulations, students in these grades typically receive three periods of English per week, with each period equivalent to 40 minutes of clock time. During the research, a total of two English periods per week were utilized.
Over the course of three months, from October to December, the research was conducted with detailed planning, including participant selection, design of data collection instruments, and development of pedagogical interventions based on Multiple Intelligences. Effective communication was established with participants to ensure their commitment, and continuous monitoring of research progress was undertaken. During November, interventions were implemented in the classroom and observational data were collected. In December, data collection was completed through semi-structured interviews, followed by analysis. Finally, the final research report, including interpretation of results and conclusions, was prepared, meeting the established objectives within the assigned timeframe.
Different intelligences among students were defined at the beginning of the research through prior analysis of observed capacities and skills in the educational context. Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences was used as a conceptual framework to identify and understand various ways in which students could excel in different areas, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, among others.
The application of a Multiple Intelligences test was not deemed necessary due to several reasons:
Complexity and time: The application of a Multiple Intelligences test would require a considerable investment of time and resources, which could affect the feasibility and scope of the research.
Specific context: Given the specific nature of the rural context in which the research was conducted, it was considered more appropriate to base the identification of intelligences on direct observations and participants' contextual knowledge.
Qualitative approach: The research adopted a qualitative descriptive approach, focusing on the collection of observational data and obtaining direct perceptions and experiences from students and teachers. This approach allowed for a more holistic and contextualized understanding of the intelligences present in the study group, without the need for standardized tests. The application of a Multiple Intelligences test was not considered essential to achieve the research objectives, as a contextualized and qualitative understanding of the intelligences present in the study group was prioritized.
In the methodological phase of this research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers and students to delve into the effectiveness of pedagogical strategies based on Multiple Intelligences in English language teaching in a specific rural setting. The interviews, designed to obtain detailed perceptions and direct experiences, were conducted with methodological rigor. Teachers were queried about the implementation and adaptation of the strategies, as well as their assessment of effectiveness. Meanwhile, student interviews explored their perception of the strategies, their motivation, and participation in English language learning. This methodological approach was chosen to holistically capture the experiences of both groups and provide a solid foundation for qualitative analysis of the results, thus contributing to the body of knowledge in English language teaching in rural contexts.
For the development of the interview, each question was configured based on two main categories: "Pedagogical strategies and exploration of strategy application," which were further divided into subcategories that allowed obtaining information from each of them that contributed to the outcome of this research.
Table 1: Table of categories and subcategories
Main Category |
Subcategory |
Description / Result |
Pedagogical Strategies |
Strategies Based on Multiple Intelligences |
Description of specific strategies used in English language teaching |
Adaptation of Strategies for the Rural Context |
Details on how the strategies were adapted to the rural context |
Exploration of Strategy Application |
Assessment of Strategy Effectiveness |
Perceptions of teachers and students regarding the effectiveness of the strategies. |
Adaptability of Strategies to Student Needs |
Observations on how the strategies were adjusted to different levels of language proficiency |
Student Response to Strategies |
Outcome of the learning experience in the students. |
Source: Self-made (2023)
Detailed systematization of interview results with teachers:
Description of strategies:
Both teachers employ pedagogical strategies based on Multiple Intelligences. Teacher 1 emphasizes differentiated instruction and artistic activities, while Teacher 2 uses a variety of materials and activities, such as debates and individual projects.
Adaptation to the rural context:
Teacher 1 stands out for incorporating local cultural elements into lessons and adjusting materials to be accessible in the rural environment. On the other hand, Teacher 2 integrates agricultural themes and adjusts the pace of classes to fit the specific context of "La Abundancia".
Effectiveness evaluation:
Both teachers employ continuous and formative assessments. Teacher 1 observes notable improvements in language skills and adjusts strategies accordingly. Teacher 2 highlights positive results in students' progress and confidence in using English.
Participation and motivation:
Both Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 report a significant increase in student participation and motivation. Teacher 1 emphasizes practical and creative activities, while Teacher 2 highlights students' ongoing interest in learning English.
Diversity of skills:
Both teachers address the diversity of skills by varying activities and including reinforcements and challenges. Teacher 1 emphasizes diversification to strengthen responses to different levels of proficiency. Teacher 2 observes significant improvements in confidence and academic performance.
Highlighted experiences:
Teacher 1 highlights an experience with an English play that created a unique emotional connection with the content. On the other hand, Teacher 2 emphasizes an experience during an oral expression project that promoted a collaborative learning environment.
Contribution to holistic development:
Both teachers suggest that English language teaching with a focus on Multiple Intelligences goes beyond language skills. It contributes to the holistic development of students, fostering critical thinking, cultural appreciation, self-confidence, and cultural openness.
This systematization highlights the convergence in the successful implementation of pedagogical strategies based on Multiple Intelligences, providing a detailed insight into teachers' practices and perceptions in specific rural contexts.
Detailed systematization of interview results with students:
Overall perception of English classes:
Most students show a positive reception towards English classes, highlighting the variety and novelty of the activities. This aspect is manifested through linguistic intelligence by enjoying verbal activities such as dramatizations and oral expression in English, providing an environment where students can apply the language in a practical and emotionally meaningful way.
Varied impact of strategies on learning:
Responses vary regarding the impact of the strategies. While some students find benefits and help in comprehension, others may experience confusion or difficulties. The diversity of impacts reflects logical-mathematical intelligence in facing challenges in creating stories in English, demonstrating how different approaches can uniquely influence linguistic understanding and problem-solving.
Overall increase in participation and motivation:
Overall, an increase in student participation and motivation is observed due to the implementation of pedagogical strategies based on Multiple Intelligences. Active participation related to interpersonal intelligence is manifested in collaboration in group activities, promoting an environment where students share knowledge and support each other in applying grammar contextually.
Diversity of previous experiences:
There are divergent opinions about previous classes. Some students prefer the current classes, while others may miss traditional lessons at times.
Recognition of diversity of skills in class:
The diversity of skills in the class is recognized, perceived as an opportunity to learn from each other, although occasionally it may lead to discomfort. Initial discomfort related to emotional intelligence arises when introducing new dynamics, as students explore and express their emotions in English, stepping out of their comfort zone and facing the possibility of making mistakes in a more open environment.
Varied specific experiences:
Specific experiences during activities differ among students, from initial moments of discomfort to success in overcoming group challenges. In situations of debates in English on topics relevant to the rural community, interpersonal intelligence plays a key role in overcoming initial discomfort and fostering effective communication, allowing for the development of social and linguistic skills.
Recognition of benefits for development:
Overall, students recognize potential benefits for their personal development, although some may experience occasional difficulties in adapting to new learning approaches.
Throughout this research on the effectiveness of teaching English with a focus on Multiple Intelligences in a specific rural context, several significant conclusions have been drawn, highlighting the complexity and richness of this pedagogical methodology.
The analysis of student responses reveals a positive reception towards English classes, especially when strategies integrating Gardner's eight multiple intelligences are applied. The variety of impacts observed underscores the diversity of experiences and preferences among students, emphasizing the importance of adapting strategies to individual needs.
The increase in participation, linked to intrinsic motivation and emotional connection with the content, highlights the relevance of pedagogical approaches that stimulate interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. However, it is recognized that the introduction of new dynamics can initially generate discomfort, demonstrating the importance of providing a learning environment that fosters emotional intelligence and resilience.
The benefits for personal development, identified through students' ability to apply learning practically in real-life situations, suggest that strategies based on Multiple Intelligences not only impact linguistic skills but also contribute to the development of social, emotional, and practical skills.
In terms of future research directions, several opportunities are envisioned to deepen the study of English teaching in rural contexts. Additional research could explore the adaptability of these strategies to different rural environments, considering cultural and socioeconomic particularities. Furthermore, investigating the long-term impact of these methodologies on academic performance and holistic student development is suggested.
Overall, this study contributes to understanding how pedagogical strategies based on Multiple Intelligences can enhance English teaching in rural contexts, offering a solid foundation for future research and providing educators with valuable tools to optimize language learning in rural communities.
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