Estrategias pedaggicas para la enseanza de lenguas extranjeras: caso de estudio Universidad Tcnica Estatal de Quevedo, 2023
Pedagogical strategies for teaching foreign languages: case study State Technical University of Quevedo, 2023
Estratgias pedaggicas para o ensino de lnguas estrangeiras: estudo de caso Universidade Tcnica Estadual de Quevedo, 2023
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Ciencias de la Educacin
Artculo de Investigacin
* Recibido: 03 de febrero de 2024 *Aceptado: 21 de marzo de 2024 * Publicado: 09 de abril de 2024
I. Ing. Universidad Tcnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador.
II. Ing. Universidad Tecnolgica Empresarial de Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Las estrategias pedaggicas para la enseanza de lenguas extranjeras presentan un desafo contino debido a la evolucin continua en el mbito de la adquisicin de lenguas. El objetivo de la investigacin es proponer un enfoque innovador para la enseanza de lenguas extranjeras mediante la identificacin de prcticas y estrategias pedaggicas efectivas diseadas especficamente para su implementacin en un aula taller. Para la investigacin se utiliz metodologa mixta, el trabajo de campo aula-taller foment la participacin activa de los estudiantes, se aplicaron prcticas de conocimiento, desarrollando habilidades comunicativas, estimulando la formacin continua con motivacin, compromiso, colaborando y trabajando en equipo, teniendo retroalimentacin inmediata con adaptabilidad a diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, incluidos elementos visuales, auditivos, cinestsicos, lectura, escritura y materiales didcticos. Los resultados determinaron que el 64% de los estudiantes aprobaron luego del aula taller, y el 36% reprobaron, por lo que se debe continuar explorando y adaptando estrategias pedaggicas como el aprendizaje colaborativo, reflexivo, simulaciones, instruccin diferenciada, uso de tecnologa que promueva la participacin, el uso prctico y la retroalimentacin efectiva. en el aprendizaje de ingls como lengua extranjera en el aula taller.
Palabras clave: Estrategias pedaggicas; Enseanza de lenguas extranjeras; Aula taller; Habilidades lingsticas.
Pedagogical strategies for teaching foreign languages present a continual challenge due to ongoing evolution in the realm of language acquisition. The objective of the research is to propose an innovative approach to teaching foreign languages by identifying effective pedagogical practices and strategies specifically tailored for implementation in a workshop classroom setting. Mixed methodology was used for the research, classroom-workshop field work encouraged the active participation of students, knowledge practices were applied, developing communication skills, stimulating continuous training with motivation, commitment, collaborating and working as a team, having immediate feedback with adaptability to different learning styles, including visual, auditory, kinesthetic elements, reading, writing and teaching materials. The results determined that 64% of students passed after the workshop classroom, and 36% failed, so they must continue exploring and adapting pedagogical strategies such as collaborative, reflective learning, simulations, differentiated instruction, using technology promoting participation, practical use and Effective feedback in learning English as a foreign language in the workshop classroom.
Keywords: pedagogical strategies; foreign language teaching; workshop classroom; linguistic skills.
As estratgias pedaggicas para o ensino de lnguas estrangeiras apresentam um desafio contnuo devido evoluo contnua no domnio da aquisio de lnguas. O objetivo da pesquisa propor uma abordagem inovadora para o ensino de lnguas estrangeiras, identificando prticas e estratgias pedaggicas eficazes especificamente adaptadas para implementao em sala de aula oficinal. Para a pesquisa foi utilizada metodologia mista, o trabalho de campo presencial-oficina incentivou a participao ativa dos alunos, foram aplicadas prticas de conhecimento, desenvolvendo habilidades de comunicao, estimulando a formao contnua com motivao, comprometimento, colaborando e trabalhando em equipe, tendo feedback imediato com adaptabilidade a diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, incluindo elementos visuais, auditivos, cinestsicos, leitura, escrita e materiais didticos. Os resultados determinaram que 64% dos alunos foram aprovados aps a sala de aula da oficina e 36% foram reprovados, portanto, devem continuar explorando e adaptando estratgias pedaggicas como aprendizagem colaborativa, reflexiva, simulaes, instruo diferenciada, uso de tecnologia que promova a participao, uso prtico e feedback eficaz. na aprendizagem de ingls como lngua estrangeira na sala de aula da oficina.
Palavras-chave: estratgias pedaggicas; ensino de lnguas estrangeiras; sala de oficina; Habilidades lingusticas.
It must be considered that, since ancient times, man has managed to transmit the knowledge obtained, using a diversity of means, including languages, the purpose has remained unchanged: to inherit wisdom and knowledge to future generations (Cuenca and others, 2022).
At an international level in the field of linguistic strategies, attitudes and, in particular, their applications in the teaching of foreign languages. It begins with a disciplinary location of linguistic teaching strategies, taking into account the main authors and theoretical lines. Likewise, the relationships with linguistic awareness, linguistic insecurity, stereotypes and prejudices in foreign language learning, the relationships between style, prestige and studies of linguistic attitudes in the educational field and the way in which they influence the formation of attitudes linguistics in the teaching/learning processes of foreign languages, the connections between linguistic attitudes, motivation, language acquisition and the way in which strategies intervene in the communicative proficiency and in the processes of communicative accommodation of the speaker of a language (Chamorro, 2021).
At a national level, there are many institutions that little by little have been instructing teaching staff with the purpose of including effective strategies for teaching foreign languages in their classes, applying dynamic and significant approaches in which learning can be improved, creating situations in which students and teacher alike enjoy activities that support the content taught, generating an interest in the student towards the learning object and the teacher being a true mediator between the contents and the student (Briceo, 2022).
At a local level at the State Technical University of Quevedo it is evident that English language cannot be understood as a physical or manufactured product but as a system that gives students and the community the opportunity to communicate efficiently. It is understood that an educational proposal to apply effective strategies for teaching foreign languages will be considered quality if it achieves its intended goals and objectives. Having mastery of English language and others is today the best way, in the field of higher education and at all levels, to be a cutting-edge, updated, critical, creative, innovative, entrepreneurial and multidisciplinary professional. In many Higher Education Institutions in the country, teachers and students are still afraid of the learning processes of a new language like English, because they think that it is an incomprehensible matter, that it is not understood and that it is very difficult to do above all without the guidance of an expert and preferably a foreigner (Cuenca and others, 2022).
At the State Technical University of Quevedo where research was applied in the academic training of students, the acquisition of skills in foreign languages specifically English is important, the use of effective strategies for teaching foreign languages is transcendental in a globalized world, research played a fundamental role, as it allowed us to identify and apply effective strategies for teaching foreign languages, thus ensuring that our students meet academic requirements and labor market demands.
There is difficulty in teaching and learning English language, this problem allowed us to carry out research to apply and evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches and methodologies in teaching foreign languages and how these factors influence the students learning experience. The difficulty of teaching foreign languages was a study factor in the research to fit into current globalized education, the students learning experience played a fundamental role in the acquisition of communicative skills. However, they often face challenges in this process, and the need to evaluate and improve the educational experience in this context.
Furthermore, in an increasingly interconnected world, not having communicative proficiency in multiple languages has become a problem, there is a growing need to evaluate and adapt teaching strategies to ensure that students can acquire communicative skills in English and cope. the challenges of intercultural communication.
Conceptual/theoretical framework
The idea for this research proposal was born from the need to strengthen pedagogical strategies for teaching foreign languages to university students. Many students have the challenge of learning English in a scholastic context. Students enroll in formal teaching spaces in which they receive approximately 7 hours per week of class, and the amount of content they are exposed to is programmed to cover the four basic micro skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking (Vega and others, 2021). This research was applied at the State Technical University of Quevedo to students in the second semester of pedagogy of national and foreign languages to suggest strategies and methodologies to improve knowledge of English language.
Pedagogical strategies, the new challenges of higher education demand the acquisition and development of research skills that can be useful for the new demands of the educational environment, which is a strong motivator to use pedagogical strategies that allow the use of new ways of achieving knowledge in students, integrating methodologies based on teamwork, describing pedagogical experiences of the implementation of classroom projects based on cooperative learning for the development of psychometric investigative competencies in university students, based on the analysis of the reliability and validity of measurement and evaluation instruments (Hernndez and others, 2021).
The teaching of foreign languages is important, they establish a possible alternative to understand and cooperate between people from different linguoethnic societies, the knowledge of a language is a priority today, forming a tolerant intercultural vision. That is why the need arises to reorient the teaching of foreign languages towards the problem of intercultural communication in order to train students with the necessary skills (Iakovleva, 2020).
It is appropriate to consider Piagets theory (1982) indicates that the teaching-learning process at the various levels of study that the individual has, the pedagogical situation that concerns education can be discussed and analyzed, in order to understand the cognitive process that occurs at the higher level of studies, or postgraduate. Although Piaget did not originally develop his theory for pedagogical purposes, or to understand the teaching-learning process, it is used as the theoretical foundation of the didactic methodology, where the connection between the constructivist theory of learning and the didactic practice that can be implemented is sought (Snchez, 2019).
As has been seen constructivism is a paradigm in most cases of educational plans and study programs, and its practical application is even well known thanks to teaching and learning strategy manuals; its eclectic origin and the theories that feed it, so this article makes a brief explanation of its proposal as an epistemological paradigm and its incorporation into the educational field and delves into one of the theories that support the importance of social interaction in the construction of the human knowledge developed by Lev Vygotsky (Guerra, 2020).
In fact, the learning theory can be understood as that which allows the student to construct his or her own learning, the main ideas of this theory are: the student is responsible for his or her own knowledge, constructs his or her knowledge on his or her own, and relates new information to prior knowledge, establishes relationships between elements, gives meaning to the information received, needs support which may be the teacher, peers or parents and the teacher becomes the counselor. The main scholars of constructivism are: Piaget and Ausubel (Vega and others, Learning theories, 2019).
The communicative approach applied to language teaching, based on the development of linguistics and its branches, has a psychological foundation based on the ideas of Vygotskys Cultural Historical Approach. Text linguistics addresses the understanding of language from three perspectives: semantics: sign thought reality relationship, syntax: sign sign relationship, and pragmatics: man sign and sign man relationship, which includes context. The communication process, and therefore the teaching-learning process of a language, presents contradictions that result in situations that cause problems to student. In the methodology for English subject from a problematic conception of the communicative approach a theoretical component and an instrumental component are integrated, which are articulated in the form of a system (Cedeo and others, 2019).
Starting from the assumption that they contribute to strengthening students knowledge and skills in mastering the language. The scientific knowledge of linguistics points out the use of principles, techniques and tools that allow creating situations in the classroom so that students think about the language in the learning process and do not resort to its translation to think and communicate orally in the new language (Gooding, 2020).
Regarding the criteria that are important when evaluating a written or oral production, the teachers considered that all the chosen criteria: relevance of the ideas, coherence of the organization, correctness of the vocabulary, quality of the language and variety of the sentences in the analytical rubric were necessary and important (Kuok Wa & Joanne, 2019).
The execution of post evaluation activity must be transparent and not lose sight of the objective. Those responsible constantly refer to the goal and the expected evidence. For the post-evaluation, those responsible can seek support in case of doubts or require other resources. Other caring people can get involved if necessary (Rodriguez, 2019).
Mixed methodology was used to handle qualitative and quantitative data, completely addressing the research questions, an intentional sample was taken with thirty-three people composed of the foreign language teacher and thirty-two students of second semester of pedagogy of national and foreign languages from the State Technical University of Quevedo, for this a survey and diagnostic tests were carried out pre and post application about the pedagogical strategies in the workshop classroom. The type of research sharing criteria with (Morales, 2015) where indicates that exploratory research is the first approach to a specific topic.
For this purpose, to the research carried out in the second semester of pedagogy of national and foreign languages at the State Technical University of Quevedo, quantitative research methodology was applied that made it possible to systematically explain the events through the use of digital data statistically analyzed through use of the SPSS software, through the survey and diagnostic tests pre and post application of pedagogical strategies in the workshop classroom to the group of students. Data were collected that were verified on learning experiences, level of satisfaction, preference of methods, and what difficulties they found, to analyze factors such as the quality of teaching, study strategies, which allow checking grammatical accuracy and use of vocabulary of students. It should be added that it was analyzed descriptively, according to (Valle, 2022) defines that this type of exploration can be developed with a quantitative approach, a survey was used to understand the experiences and pedagogical approach, discussions with groups of students exploring their perceptions and experiences within the classroom, workshops were analyzed to explore effective pedagogical practices. Aligned to (Jimnez, 2020) who states that quantitative research is based on experience, observation and analysis of facts, which are processed using various numerical techniques. Pre- and post-diagnostic evaluations were applied to quantify the impact on learning, the collection and analysis of existing data provided a complete view of the effectiveness of the language teaching pedagogical strategies, and SPSS statistical software was used to tabulate the data.
Strategies for teaching foreign languages in the workshop classroom, promoting participation, practical use and feedback.
In a globalized world learning foreign languages is essential, for which the quantification of the survey is detailed in table 1:
Table 1: Strategies for teaching foreign languages.
Assessment |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Valid percentage |
Accumulated percentage |
In disagreement |
1 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Neutral |
7 |
21 |
21 |
24 |
In agreement |
25 |
76 |
76 |
100 |
Total |
33 |
100 |
100 |
Source: own elaboration (2024)
Figure 1: Strategies for teaching foreign languages.
Source: Carranza (2024)
According to the data obtained in the research by applying the survey composed of 18 items to 33 individuals from the second semester of pedagogy of national and foreign languages at the State Technical University of Quevedo on strategies for teaching foreign languages in the workshop classroom encourage participation, practical use and feedback it was obtained that 76% representing 25 surveyed agree on the use of strategies, 21% being 7 surveyed neither agree nor disagree and 3% representing 1 surveyed is disagree.
To proceed with the survey, the Cronbachs alpha reliability is verified in SPSS to determine the reliability of the items to be used as detailed below in table 2:
Table 2: Reliability statistics
Cronbachs alpha |
Number of elements |
0,703 |
18 |
Source: own elaboration (2024)
From the survey made up of 18 items, when applying IBM SPSS statistics, a level of reliability was obtained to develop the surveys of 70%, the measure showed the moderate internal consistency of the set of items prior to using the survey and indicated that the internal consistency is acceptable in the response to the items.
The evaluation prior to the workshop classroom is important since it allowed us to obtain relevant information that guided the design of the workshop classroom with the data detailed in table 3:
Table 3: Evaluation prior to the workshop classroom
Assessment |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Valid percentage |
Accumulated percentage |
Failed |
24 |
73 |
73 |
73 |
Good |
4 |
12 |
12 |
85 |
Very good |
5 |
15 |
15 |
100 |
Total |
33 |
100 |
100 |
Source: own elaboration (2024)
Figure 2: Evaluation prior to the workshop classroom
Source: Carranza (2024)
In the investigation, when tabulating the results of the evaluation prior to the workshop classroom, it was obtained that 73% represents 24 students who failed, 15% are 5 students who obtained very good and 12% indicates 4 evaluated with a good grade.
Effect of the strategies used in the workshop classroom as a learning experience, communicative competence and student satisfaction. The strategies used in the workshop classroom have an effect on learning and the achievement of the students objectives as detailed in table 4 below:
Table 4: Effect of the strategies used
Assessment |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Valid percentage |
Accumulated percentage |
Bad |
4 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
Regular |
12 |
36 |
36 |
48 |
Good |
17 |
52 |
52 |
100 |
Total |
33 |
100 |
100 |
Source: own elaboration (2024)
Figure 3: Effect of the strategies used
Source: Carranza (2024)
By quantifying the survey of the 33 people involved in the research after applying the workshop classroom, it was obtained that: the effect of the strategies used in the workshop classroom as a learning experience, communicative proficiency and student satisfaction in 52%, which is 17 surveyed selected that are good, 36% represent 12 people who consider them to be average and 12%, 4 people surveyed are inclined to believe that the strategies used are bad.
The post-workshop evaluation is an important part of the teaching-learning process, it provided information about learning, areas for improvement, encouraging continuous learning and reflection as indicated in table 5 below:
Table 5: Post-workshop evaluation
Assessment |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Valid percentage |
Accumulated percentage |
Failed |
12 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
Good |
17 |
52 |
52 |
88 |
Very good |
4 |
12 |
12 |
100 |
Total |
33 |
100 |
100 |
Figure 4: Post-workshop evaluation
Source: Carranza (2024)
In the investigation, when tabulating the evaluations carried out on the 33 individuals, it is obtained that 52%, which is 17 evaluated, obtain a good grade, 36%, which represents 12 people failed and 12%, which is 4 individuals, have a very good grade.
Discussion of results
In the same sense the current challenges of education address the application of strategies for teaching foreign languages according to the results of the research, agreement is determined with (Hernndez y otros, 2021), who manifests in higher education faces challenges that require strategies with research competencies adapted to current demands.
Based on the above considerations, it is agreed with (Iakovleva, 2020) who indicates in her research the importance of acquiring knowledge of foreign languages in order to train students with skills and competencies to improve communication problems at a global level. When quantifying it, it is observed that 73% of the students fail the evaluation.
In accordance with the reasoning that has been carried out on important criteria before evaluating, criteria are shared with (Kuok Wa & Durand, 2019) the evaluation before the workshop seminar must have relevance, organization, vocabulary accuracy, quality and variety, allowing to verify the initial state of current knowledge in students.
After the previous considerations about the evaluation prior the workshop classroom, it coincides with (Rodrguez, 2019), that should not be separated from the objective, constantly demonstrate until the goal you want to achieve is reached. The post-workshop evaluation provides verifiable quantitative data, observing an increase in learning 64% of students pass the evaluation.
It is concluded according to the analysis of the data obtained that 52% of the participants consider that the strategies used are good, suggesting that the majority have a positive perception of the strategies implemented, 36% consider that it is regular, meaning that it should be improve and it is crucial to explore in depth to understand the reasons behind these responses, the negative percentage is 12% who consider that the strategies used are bad, it is essential to understand the specific reasons behind the negative evaluations. Continue strengthening communication skills through learning experiences, seeking student satisfaction. It is proposed to continue carrying out qualitative analysis, detailed feedback, adjustments and improvements and have continuous monitoring.
Consequently, based on the results of evaluating the 33 individuals on foreign language teaching before carrying out the classroom workshop, it is concluded that the strategies implemented have generated diversity of academic performance, among which it stands out that 73% failed the evaluation with a lower grade to 7, indicating possible areas where it is required to reinforce and improve teaching strategies, 12% of students obtain a good grade indicating a satisfactory level of understanding and application of the English language, the counterpart is the strength shown, 15% of respondents obtained a very good grade, indicates that some strategies are effective in increasing performance, this variability in the results gives guidelines to continue exploring and adapting pedagogical strategies that promote participation, practical use and effective feedback in the learning of English as a foreign language in the workshop classroom.
It is determined by analyzing the results that of the 33 evaluated after the classroom workshop where we sought to establish the effect of the strategies used for learning, communicative ability and student knowledge, we can observe that there is variation in the performances obtained. Although 52% of students achieved a good grade that denotes a positive impact of the strategies used, the 36% who failed indicates that there are shortcomings where they should be strengthened to improve the effectiveness of the strategies used, on the other hand, the 12% who frame in excellent rating indicates that some strategies have had a positive impact on certain students in the development of skills for both writing and oral translation, in general terms the results determine the importance of continuous evaluation to make adjustments in pedagogical strategies, achieving efficiency in learning English as a foreign language and satisfaction in the workshop classroom.
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