El juego de roles en el desarrollo de la expresin oral en estudiantes de tercero de bachillerato


Role-play in the development of oral expression in third year high school students


O role-play no desenvolvimento da expresso oral em alunos do terceiro ano do ensino secundrio


Vicenta Andrea Prraga-Salvatierra I

,Rider Eloy Mendoza-Saltos II
Narcisa Del Carmen Prraga-Salvatierra III

,Nilo Orlando Mero-Pin IV











Correspondencia: vicenta.parraga@pg.uleam.edu.ec


Ciencias de la Educacin

Artculo de Investigacin



* Recibido: 05 de junio de 2024 *Aceptado: 17 de julio de 2024 * Publicado: 22 de agosto de 2024


        I.            Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab, Chone, Manab, Ecuador.

      II.            Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab, Chone, Manab, Ecuador.

   III.            Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab, Chone, Manab, Ecuador.

   IV.            Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab, Chone, Manab, Ecuador.



En la actualidad, el ingls es uno de los idiomas ms utilizados en el mundo, ya que su dominio facilita la comunicacin con personas de diferentes regiones y ofrece diversas ventajas en todos los sectores. Sin embargo, los estudiantes a menudo tienen dificultades para expresarse con fluidez en un segundo idioma debido a la aplicacin insuficiente de estrategias pedaggicas efectivas en las aulas. Entre estas estrategias, el juego de roles es particularmente eficaz para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa, permitiendo a los estudiantes participar en interacciones verbales significativas. Este artculo analiza la importancia de mejorar la expresin oral a travs del juego de roles en el aprendizaje del idioma ingls, utilizando un enfoque de investigacin de mtodos mixtos. El estudio combina datos cualitativos y cuantitativos, empleando mtodos analticos, inductivos, deductivos y sintticos para garantizar la precisin y la confiabilidad. Las encuestas a 44 estudiantes y las entrevistas a 5 profesores de ingls proporcionaron datos completos, analizados rigurosamente a travs de estos mtodos. El mtodo analtico deconstruy los componentes del problema para un estudio detallado; el mtodo inductivo deriv conclusiones generales a partir de datos especficos; el mtodo deductivo extrajo conclusiones especficas a partir de premisas generales, y el mtodo sinttico integr los hallazgos en un todo coherente. La investigacin destaca que el juego de roles es adaptable a diferentes niveles de competencia y contextos culturales, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta verstil para diversos entornos educativos. La prctica regular del juego de roles ayuda a los estudiantes a asimilar de forma natural las estructuras gramaticales y el vocabulario, lo que fomenta un aprendizaje ms profundo y duradero. Adems, el juego de roles crea un entorno de aprendizaje dinmico y menos intimidante, lo que reduce la ansiedad y fomenta la experimentacin y la comisin de errores sin juicios inmediatos. Esta estrategia no solo mejora la expresin oral, sino que tambin enriquece la experiencia educativa al desarrollar habilidades tanto lingsticas como sociales. Por lo tanto, la integracin de estrategias pedaggicas innovadoras como el juego de roles en la enseanza de idiomas es crucial para promover una comunicacin efectiva y significativa.

Palabras clave: juego de roles, expresin oral, estrategias didcticas, pedagoga.





At present, English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, as mastering it facilitates communication with people from different regions and offers various advantages in all sectors. However, students often struggle to express themselves fluently in a second language due to insufficient application of effective pedagogical strategies in classrooms. Among these strategies, role-play is particularly effective for developing communicative competence, allowing students to engage in meaningful verbal interactions. This article analyzes the importance of enhancing oral expression through role-play in English language learning, utilizing a mixed-methods research approach. The study combines qualitative and quantitative data, employing analytical, inductive, deductive, and synthetic methods to ensure accuracy and reliability. Surveys with 44 students and interviews with 5 English teachers provided comprehensive data, analyzed rigorously through these methods. The analytical method deconstructed problem components for detailed study; the inductive method derived general conclusions from specific data; the deductive method drew specific conclusions from general premises, and the synthetic method integrated the findings into a coherent whole. The research highlights that role-play is adaptable to different competence levels and cultural contexts, making it a versatile tool for diverse educational settings. Regular role-play practice aids students in naturally assimilating grammatical structures and vocabulary, fostering deeper and lasting learning. Additionally, role-play creates a dynamic and less intimidating learning environment, reducing anxiety and encouraging experimentation and error-making without immediate judgment. This strategy not only improves oral expression but also enriches the educational experience by developing both linguistic and social skills. Thus, integrating innovative pedagogical strategies like role-play into language teaching is crucial for promoting effective and meaningful communication.

Key words: role-play; oral expression; didactic strategies; pedagogy.



Atualmente, o ingls uma das lnguas mais utilizadas no mundo, pois domin-lo facilita a comunicao com pessoas de diferentes regies e oferece diversas vantagens em todos os setores. No entanto, os alunos tm frequentemente dificuldade em expressar-se fluentemente numa segunda lngua devido aplicao insuficiente de estratgias pedaggicas eficazes nas salas de aula. Entre estas estratgias, a dramatizao particularmente eficaz para desenvolver a competncia comunicativa, permitindo aos alunos envolverem-se em interaes verbais significativas. Este artigo analisa a importncia de melhorar a expresso oral atravs da dramatizao na aprendizagem da lngua inglesa, utilizando uma abordagem de investigao de mtodos mistos. O estudo combina dados qualitativos e quantitativos, empregando mtodos analticos, indutivos, dedutivos e sintticos para garantir a preciso e fiabilidade. Inquritos a 44 alunos e entrevistas a 5 professores de ingls forneceram dados abrangentes, analisados ​​rigorosamente atravs destes mtodos. O mtodo analtico desconstruiu componentes do problema para estudo detalhado; o mtodo indutivo extraiu concluses gerais de dados especficos; o mtodo dedutivo extraiu concluses especficas de premissas gerais, e o mtodo sinttico integrou as descobertas num todo coerente. A investigao destaca que a dramatizao adaptvel a diferentes nveis de competncia e contextos culturais, tornando-se uma ferramenta verstil para diversos ambientes educativos. A prtica regular de role-plays ajuda os alunos a assimilar naturalmente as estruturas gramaticais e o vocabulrio, promovendo uma aprendizagem mais profunda e duradoura. Alm disso, a dramatizao cria um ambiente de aprendizagem dinmico e menos intimidante, reduzindo a ansiedade e encorajando a experimentao e a prtica de erros sem julgamento imediato. Esta estratgia no s melhora a expresso oral, como tambm enriquece a experincia educativa ao desenvolver competncias lingusticas e sociais. Assim, a integrao de estratgias pedaggicas inovadoras, como a dramatizao, no ensino de lnguas crucial para promover uma comunicao eficaz e significativa.

Palavras-chave: dramatizao, expresso oral, estratgias didticas, pedagogia.



Currently, mastery of the English language has become a priority need in the global context, given its wide use as a language of communication.

Orosz et al., (2018) point out that its use is crucial due to the opportunities it offers in the labor and professional market. Therefore, in various institutions, especially in the educational field, it is essential to use effective teaching strategies that facilitate language mastery, including techniques that promote the development of linguistic and oral expression skills. In addition, it aims to identify knowledge gaps and evaluate the effectiveness of the role-play in this specific group of students.

Orejudo (2019) He contributes by saying that the implementation of scripted role plays has proven to be effective in developing students' expression. So we can say that by using this technique, students actively participate in activities in English, which helps them communicate with confidence and engage with both the team and the teachers. Although results may vary depending on the context, guidance, and support of the teacher, they provide students with the confidence necessary to do quality work.

Cronquist & Fiszbein (2017) Say that despite significant investments made in Latin America to improve access to English learning, English proficiency among students remains low in this region. This deficit is reflected in the lack of effective communication in the foreign language, which highlights the need to address this situation.

Cala et al., (2018) Communication plays a fundamental role in personal and social development; therefore, through communication, people exchange information, express ideas, and strengthen their interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, as Vitalia (2021) highlights, the active participation of both, sender and receiver, is essential for communication to be effective.

In research, various methods have been used, such as analytical, inductive, deductive, and synthetic. These methods have been used in a complementary manner to address different aspects of the study on the impact of role-play on the development of oral expression in third-year high school students.

The main objective of this article is to determine the impact of role-play as a strategy to develop oral expression in third-year high school students. It seeks to systematize conceptual and empirical aspects that demonstrate the link between the use of this technique and learning effectiveness of English as a second language. Likewise, the aim is to identify knowledge gaps about oral expression skills and evaluate the effectiveness of role-playing in improving communication.

The article seeks to demonstrate the relevance of implementing strategies in the third-year high school classroom that promote the development of oral expression, favoring a more dynamic and effective learning process.


Literature review

Vitalia (2021) Points out expression is considered a competence that allows one to emit and receive all the information of a diverse nature using this one the opinions of other interlocutors are made known fomenting at the same time the development of the attitude of listening, this can be given using speeches, conversations, assemblies, plays, among other means. The process carried out to express oneself orally originates the use of gestures and body movements that help to support the interpretation of the message; then, it is carried out as well as emphasized by the fundamental axis for the development of oral expression is interaction, in this way, it is considered as the main source of communication exchange that exists between the interlocutors, because it allows the codification and decoding of the ideas that are acquired.

Rojas & Villafuerte (2018) The authors contribute by mentioning that although role-play is a technique that allows the application of different corrective styles to improve students' skills in learning a foreign language, there are teachers who do not implement it because they consider that it promotes chaos in the classroom. Therefore, it is important to mention that this technique is effective but that rules must be established and used autonomously in different areas and included in school curricula.

According to Sierra & Fernndez (2019) Make a contribution and important contribution that the application of role play is a strategy that helps to motivate and maximize the capabilities of the students, allowing their interaction with the people around them and developing not only their oral expression but also their self-esteem, because through their participation they generate confidence, they can motivate themselves and all these factors influence their academic performance. In addition, oral expression also plays a fundamental role in learning to use a language, helping learners to activate their linguistic knowledge based on reality in a different way than with the other skills.

Garca & Fernndez (2017) Point out oral expression is fundamental in learning English, but some people fail to master this skill because they leave it for the end of learning, giving more value to other skills, forgetting that oral expression is how much of the language is learned; for this reason, it should be considered a fundamental element in learning any language. Conversation is one of the most important elements of language and is considered the cornerstone of the language-learning process. Thus, the primary goal of learning a new language is for students to acquire the ability to communicate orally in the target language.

Mendoza et al., (2017) Point out that the elements of oral communication are applied to obtain the same that for this process the presence of some of these elements is important. Therefore, verbal communication requires the sender, receiver, code, channel, message, and context, because the message must be sent to be received by the receiver using codes, which are the signs with which the message is formulated, to a channel where it is sent, through which the message is sent in a certain context.

Flores et al., (2017) Make their contribution by stating that the didactic strategies of oral communication are the procedures, applied by the teacher and the resources used to promote meaningful learning in their students, intentionally facilitating a processing that presents the new content more deeply.

Mamani (2017) Talks about the importance of oral expression, which is reflected as the art that people have to speak eloquently, express themselves better, move, and persuade or convince those who listen to them. In this way, we can see the need for which communication has played an essential role over the years, from the beginning of history to the present day.

Loyola (2019) Mentions that the ability to communicate in English should be transcendental in all fields, especially in the academic field, which allows generating better opportunities in the work and professional aspect, because nowadays in the world of work, people are needed who can develop in their native language as well as in a second or third language.

Monroy (2020) Indicates that oral expression is spontaneous and can also be planned. In this sense, spontaneous communication is known as informal, that is, it is commonly known as conversation and is in a way the exchange of information about situations that occur daily. On the other hand, oral communication, which takes place in a planned way, is a response to the communication that is made by individuals.

Orosz et al., (2018) Refer with the main objective of this technique is to help students by providing them with the facility to acquire their language skills through the development of playful activities, and also by creating opportunities for participation in groups and individually, fostering curiosity and motivation that are necessary bases for people to communicate and exchange information either in the mother tongue or in a second language.

Among the factors that contribute in a special way to the success of role-play among students are the clear and careful presentation and instructions before performing it, it should be ensured that the language required within the game, has reference to the ability of students depending on their grade, this should be enthusiastic for students to be dynamic. It is necessary to establish a presentation practice together with the students before the role play.

Rivera (2016) Points out that role-play is similar to real communication because the participants receive information, give feedback, which can be verbal or physical, and receive an immediate response from the other participants, thus achieving the desired goal, which is for the participants to have excellent oral expression in the foreign language.

Castrilln (2017) Argues that when humans play they do so because this is born as a need to interact with other people, it is based on the constructivist theory of Vygotsky that focuses on learning through play and interaction, this socio-cultural cognitive learning allows the student to learn dynamically. In this way, learning through play is seen as social learning that helps students establish new roles and sequentially complement their own and others roles.

For Vygotsky, the child who lives in society is not a solitary person but learns to be sociable and to exchange the information that he/she receives every day from the environment in which he/she lives. This process that people go through stimulates their communication and affective skills. Therefore, it can be said that role-play is a dramatization that becomes a pedagogical tool for learning another language, in this case, English.

Vivanco (2018) Names that role-play is an active methodology because it allows the teacher to maintain the attention and concentration of the students because they create arguments and express them, achieving the release of the fears they feel, helping them to generate confidence when expressing them verbally in the foreign language. Role-play, applied pedagogically and linked to the teaching-learning process, is a tool that serves as an intervention for development and training in the professional life of all groups in all fields.

Martnez (2021) Indicates role-play activities used as a technique to develop oral expression have proven to be effective in teaching English to students because they generate enthusiasm and increase self-confidence and empathy among them, foster critical thinking, communication, and social skills, and strengthen their creativity and motivation. The application of the technique of games is necessary because all these aspects are important for the learning of a foreign language, but they are also useful in the whole personal and social life of the person.

Mehdiyev (2020) Points out that this technique is an effective method for students to develop their vocabulary and, at the same time, their way of expressing themselves. Its use is also beneficial for personal and professional development, as it allows them to increase their self-confidence and improve their performance in their environment. These games are generally very well accepted by the students because they represent a dynamic within the class, although sometimes there is a risk that they focus their attention on the drama that is presented in addition to that the essence of the lesson is lost due to lack of concentration, and do not work on the essential elements of the content, deviating from the objectives for which it was organized. The teacher must develop and organize the rules of the game in a systematic and adequately so that all the members of the group can participate not only the students who perform.

Mamani (2017) Recommens that role-play should be used in the foreign language teaching-learning process because this type of activity has been studied to determine its potential impact on significantly developing students' oral expression. This activity has been used for some time in various parts of the language classroom because students find role play motivating because it is fun. Role-play is used throughout the teaching and learning process; it is applied in different areas for different approaches to second language teaching.

Lara & Daz (2019) Consider that role-play games are a short theatrical performance in which students base it on a real or fictional situation, performing a simulation exposed through communication in which the interlocutors, in this case, the students or apprentices, meet face to face to express their ideas and characterize what they assume is a reality. The strategies applied by the teacher, such as debate, role play, exposition, dialogue, and all the strategies of verbal games, are sometimes unknown to some teachers, but are necessary and effective to overcome the difficulties that students have when they want to communicate through the foreign language.

Role-play is a useful tool for learning and developing oral expression because through it, students are forced to focus on it from a cognitive point of view, they manage to develop skills in terms of comprehension and the language production system, improving their ability to immediately incorporate the knowledge acquired through interaction. With the use of this technique, students are offered another opportunity to practice among their peers, so that they can improve in the classroom a series of expressions that they will later use and apply in oral communication with the people around them.

Mehdiyev (2020) Mentions that the technique of role-play is an effective method for students to improve their ability to express themselves in a foreign language because it helps them to become familiar with other people in their social environment. In addition, the technique is a strategy that allows teachers to know the level of vocabulary and knowledge of the students, so it can be based on their needs.

Martnez (2021) Says Role-play increases creativity and motivation, aspects are of utmost importance for learning English as a foreign language, but it should also be added that these aspects will be useful in their personal life and the exercise of their work and professional activities.



The research applies a methodology that supports the work done through analytical, inductive, deductive, and synthetic methods, which help to verify which type of activity is the most appropriate to develop the topic focused on the impact of role-play on oral expression in third-year high school students. The design is descriptive since it focuses on observing and describing the behavior of participants.

 The methodological approach used in this research is mixed, combining the inclusion of quantitative and qualitative elements. This approach is justified because it offers a broader and deeper understanding of the phenomenon studied, combining the study of individual experiences with the ability to deduce and universalize the results obtained. 

The sample consisted of 44 third-year high school students, selected using inclusion criteria that ensured the participation of students with different levels of English proficiency. The inclusion criteria were: being enrolled in the third year of high school and having a voluntary willingness to participate in the study. Students from different backgrounds were included to ensure representativeness within the process.

The qualitative instruments included an interview duly validated by 5 English teachers. Quantitative instruments included a survey was administered to the 44 participating students, which included closed questions to measure their appreciation of the progress in oral expression they have achieved throughout the role-play sessions. In addition, a review of academic literature was conducted to enrich the theoretical context of the study.

The protocol for data collection was included:

      1.            The participants' consent was obtained to ensure confidentiality at the time of conducting the survey.

      2.            Survey was conducted in a controlled environment, to facilitate access for all students were done in printed form.

      3.            Interview with teachers of English was conducted individually, in a quiet environment that allowed them to answer the questions objectively.

      4.            The intervention was carried out through controlled role-play sessions aimed at improving the English oral expression of third-year high school students; these sessions were conducted twice a week for 8 weeks, lasting 40 minutes each. The sessions included simulations of daily life situations, discussions, and oral presentations. The support material was effectively provided to the students so that they have all the tools at their disposal to do a good job and thus avoid frustration or anxiety.

Then, for the qualitative analysis, thematic analysis techniques were used. This approach involved reviewing the teachers' responses one by one, to identify recurring themes and patterns. The responses were categorized and coded according to the emerging themes, which allowed for an in-depth understanding of their perceptions and experiences. In the end, the main themes identified were summarized to draw meaningful conclusions and provide a clearer understanding of the development of speaking in the English classroom context.

To analyze the quantitative data from the student survey, descriptive techniques were used. These techniques allowed us to examine the frequencies and percentages of the different responses provided by the students. This descriptive analysis facilitated an understanding of how the responses were distributed in each question of the survey, which helped to identify trends and patterns in the student's opinions. This statistical approach provided an overview of the quantitative data obtained, laying the groundwork for a more detailed and meaningful interpretation of the survey results.



The results of the survey applied to third year high school students are introduced.


Table # 1: Role-play participation in the classroom.

SOURCE: Survey of third-year high school students.


The results indicate that 100% of the students have participated in the didactic strategies applied by the teacher, such as role-play. Therefore, teachers are certain that through this strategy they can develop the students' language skills since they will be able to communicate in a second language by expressing themselves.


Table # 2: Assessment of the effect of practicing role-play in the classroom.

SOURCE: Survey of third-year high school students.


After the survey on the effect of practicing role-playing, 91% of them said that it is very effective in developing language and 9% that it is not very effective. Therefore, students must carry out this type of activity in the classroom.


Table # 3: Categories of Interview

Impact on peer-to-peer communication

Improvement of language skills

Benefits for beginners

Recommendations for implementation


The results of the interview with the English teachers are introduced.

Analyzing the results of interviews with the English teachers shows that the strategy of role-play to develop students' oral expression has led to a significant improvement in peer communication as well as an increase in students' self-esteem. The teachers emphasize that role-play is an appropriate strategy to improve students' expression and expand their vocabulary. In addition, they point out that this pedagogical strategy has mainly advantages that allow beginners to speak more fluently. Therefore, they recommend the implementation of new activities to encourage students' participation in English communication.

The observation of a significant improvement in peer communication indicates that role-play not only has an impact on individual speaking skills but also promotes the development of interpersonal communication skills. Through interaction in simulated situations, students learn to listen and respond to their peers' contributions, which strengthen their two-way communication skills.

Students have difficulties in expressing themselves orally through the English language, and the difficulties they have in developing this skill are notorious because they reflect concern and frustration due to their low self-confidence to communicate. In addition, there is a lack of resources that they can use to practice and improve this skill because it is considered that in the global context, there are demands that require people to express themselves fluently, with clear and coherent ideas in the foreign language.

The students do not develop a way of expressing themselves in the foreign language because they do not use it in real situations they may know the grammar but not the ability to speak it correctly, and students lack self-confidence and avoid communication with native speakers.

Gama (2021) Refers to the fact that oral expression allows students to strengthen English language learning because it becomes multidimensional by presenting vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, management, and interactive communication, wich is a positive outcome in linguistic performance.

Cubides (2020) Contributes by establishing that role-play in the strengthening of students' oral competence allows them to acquire security and confidence in carrying out activities that foster communication and the development of expression. The teacher presents the games in a natural way allowing freedom and autonomy to the authors and defining for themselves the roles with which they feel confident.



Nowadays, the teaching and learning process of the English language must be of quality, excellence is sought and it is obvious that there is the possibility of generating some changes and adopting new methods and techniques that can be more flexible and dynamic to achieve the objectives set because this is what is called educational updating. When changes are made fears can be generated or the perception that students cannot master, this is a normal situation because they are born speaking another language; then the teacher is the one who serves as a guide and motivator for them to put into practice what they have learned, doing quality work that leads them to achieve the results expected by teachers.

The current communicative approach promotes the study of the language so that students can use it correctly and as effectively as possible in the context in which they interact, and this should preferably be the real one interacting with other people to improve pronunciation because the act of communication will depend on the characteristics of the context in which they produce it, strengthening the students' interests.

Through the literature reviewed and analyzed, it is identified that the competence of oral expression is multidimensional because it includes knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, interactive communication, and speech management; Among other additional dimensions that facilitate the development of communicative competence, such as overcoming the fear of public speaking, adjusting the tone of voice, effectively conveying the message, good pronunciation, and diction, preparing the presentation, appropriate body language, self-confidence, social interaction and cooperation; in addition, there must be a positive atmosphere in the classroom with the assignment of different roles for all students to interact (Mehdiyev, 2020).

Likewise, Cruz (2020) Points out that role-play facilitates learning through the emotional participation of the student. They focuse on how play activates emotions, favors cognitive development, and improves oral communication. Therefore, play brings pleasure to the learner, improves motivation, and fosters the development of cognitive skills, such as finding solutions to problems and adapting to new and complex situations, the general benefits of play in the pedagogical field, highlighting the promotion of creativity, imagination, and interaction with reality and fantasy, It is for this reason that emphasis is placed on the need to update the techniques used in the classroom to ensure quality in the process of teaching and learning English.

Over time, learning has focused primarily on the development of grammar and vocabulary through memorization and repetition. These methods predominantly employ translation and repetitive practice as their main teaching techniques, placing a strong emphasis on accuracy and correctness. Although they are effective in imparting a structured knowledge of grammar rules, they often provide little opportunity for actual communicative practice, which can make lessons monotonous and unmotivating for learners.

Unlike these methods, the current communicative approach promotes the study of language so that learners can use it effectively in real-life contexts, thus achieving active learning based on competencies and know-how, making role play the ideal communicative strategy for developing speaking skills, thus recognizing the role of role-playing in language learning, highlighting its ability to stimulate emotions, promote cognitive development and improve oral expression.

There are not unexpected findings in the research conducted. It is recommended the implementation of more flexible and dynamic teaching approaches, such as the use of role-play, could be recommended to improve the quality of the English teaching and learning process. The creation of a positive and collaborative learning environment in the classroom, includes the assignment of different roles to encourage interaction among students.



In conclusion, the objectives of this study include the evaluation of the effectiveness of role-play in improving oral expression skills among students learning English as a second language and the same which achieved 100%. 

It is suggested that language programs systematically integrate role-play activities as an essential pedagogical tool, given their high impact on improving oral expression.

The main results indicate that the application of role-play strategies develops oral expression and influences the motivation to learn of third-year high school students.

These results suggest that teachers be constantly trained in the application of strategies in the classroom, especially role-play, with the purpose of improving the motivation and learning process of the students.

However, it is important to recognize the limitations of this article, especially in terms of universality due to possible variations in student populations and contexts in which the research was conducted.

Future research should focus on broadening the diversity of samples and contexts to validate the effectiveness of role- play in different educational settings and with different groups of students.

In the future, researchers may determine the specific mechanisms by which role-play improves speaking and suggest additional didactic strategies to complement traditional language teaching methods.

Researchers should focus on prioritizing the analysis of these additional strategies and their practical incorporation into the educational environment by providing specific teaching resources for English teachers.

Finally, the implementation of role-play activities in language classrooms should be prioritized, recognizing that it can become an engaging and effective learning experience that prepare students to communicate with confidence.



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