Principales estrategias metodolgicas y su aporte a la enseanza-aprendizaje de la ortografa


Main methodological strategies and their contribution to the teaching-learning of spelling


Principais estratgias metodolgicas e o seu contributo para o ensino-aprendizagem da ortografia

Enrique Vicente Quinto Saritama I
,Vernica Paulina Ordez-Capa II
Rosa del Carmen Crdova-Jimnez III
,Yasmania Alejandra Morocho-Zaruma IV
Mara Soledad Crdenas-Palacios V
,Nelly Moraima Loaiza-Ruiz VI













Ciencias de la Educacin

Artculo de Investigacin


* Recibido: 04 de agosto de 2024 *Aceptado: 30 de septiembre de 2024 * Publicado: 30 de octubre de 2024


        I.            National University of Loja, UNL, Ecuador.

      II.            Graduate in Educational Sciences with a mention in Basic Education, Jos Antonio Eguiguren La Salle Private Educational Unit, Ecuador.

   III.            Zoila Esperanza Palacio Educational Unit, Bachelor In Educational Sciences, Physical Mathematics, Ecuador.

   IV.            UNL National University of Loja, Master in Psychopedagogy, Ecuador.

     V.            National University of LOJA, UNL, Ecuador.

   VI.            Ministerio de Education, Ecuador.


La presente investigacin denominada: Estrategias metodolgicas y su aporte en la enseanza-aprendizaje de la ortografa, tiene como objetivo general: identificar estrategias metodolgicas para mejorar el proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje de la ortografa de los estudiantes de quinto grado de licenciatura. El tipo de estudio es descriptivo; diseo no experimental; mtodos observacionales, descriptivos, inductivos, deductivos, hermenuticos, analticos, sintticos y estadsticos; las tcnicas: observacin, encuesta; instrumentos: ficha de observacin, cuestionario; procedimientos diagnsticos, fundamentacin terica, planteamiento de pautas alternativas; como resultado se verific que el docente desconoce sobre las estrategias metodolgicas y el beneficio que estas brindan al ser aplicadas en la enseanza de la ortografa, lo que ha generado el desinters de los estudiantes en su aprendizaje. En el trabajo de investigacin participaron veintids estudiantes y el docente. Se concluye que la aplicacin de estrategias metodolgicas en la enseanza-aprendizaje de la ortografa es parte esencial para promover el uso correcto de las reglas ortogrficas.

Palabras clave: estrategias metodolgicas; aprendizaje de la ortografa.



The present research called: Methodological strategies and their contribution to the teaching-learning of spelling, has as its general objective: to identify methodological strategies to improve the teaching-learning process of spelling of fifth grade students of bachelor's degree. The type of study is descriptive; non-experimental design; observational, descriptive, inductive, deductive, hermeneutic, analytical, synthetic and statistical methods; the techniques: observation, survey; instruments: observation sheet, questionnaire; diagnostic procedures, theoretical foundation, statement of alternative guidelines; as a result it was verified that the teacher does not know about the methodological strategies and the benefit that these provide when applied in the teaching of spelling, which has generated the disinterest of the students in their learning. Twenty-two students and the teacher participated in the research work. It is concluded that the application of methodological strategies in the teaching-learning of spelling is an essential part to promote the correct use of spelling rules.

Keywords: methodological strategies; spelling learning.



A presente investigao denominada: Estratgias metodolgicas e o seu contributo para o ensino-aprendizagem da ortografia, tem como objetivo geral: identificar estratgias metodolgicas para melhorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da ortografia para os alunos de licenciatura do quinto ano. O tipo de estudo descritivo; desenho no experimental; mtodos observacionais, descritivos, indutivos, dedutivos, hermenuticos, analticos, sintticos e estatsticos; as tcnicas: observao, levantamento; instrumentos: ficha de observao, questionrio; procedimentos de diagnstico, fundamentao terica, abordagem de guidelines alternativas; Como resultado, verificou-se que o professor desconhece as estratgias metodolgicas e o benefcio que estas proporcionam quando aplicadas no ensino da ortografia, o que tem gerado o desinteresse dos alunos pela sua aprendizagem. Vinte e dois alunos e a professora participaram no trabalho de investigao. Conclui-se que a aplicao de estratgias metodolgicas no ensino-aprendizagem da ortografia parte essencial para promover o uso correto das regras ortogrficas.

Palavras-chave: estratgias metodolgicas; aprendizagem da ortografia.



Writing is a set of visual signs that constitute a system and one of the oldest means of communication of humanity, which requires patience, mastery of language and, above all, time for correction. Spelling errors such as confusion in accentuation, omissions of words or in grammatical constructions are common and can be seen in any writing, in a text message, letters, signs, and even in reports prepared by professionals, these complications in Some cases develop in primary education, continue in secondary education and can be seen significantly in university students, becoming a social problem of great concern for teachers, because they encounter great difficulties when acting on it. error and in other cases, not knowing how to approach the teaching of spelling, as expressed by the teachers of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school.

Given this observation, this research is proposed called: Methodological strategies and their contribution to the teaching-learning of spelling of fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school, in the Loja canton, period 2018-2019. Alternative guidelines.

The general objective was to identify methodological strategies to improve the teaching-learning process of spelling for fifth grade students at the EGB school. Jos Ingenieros, from the Loja canton, period 2018 2019 and as specific objectives: characterize the methodological strategies to facilitate the teaching-learning process of spelling, of the fifth grade students of the EGB Jos Ingenieros school, from the Loja canton, period 2018 2019; determine the characteristics of the teaching-learning of spelling that the fifth grade students of the EGB Jos Ingenieros school, in the Loja canton, have developed, period 2018 - 2019 and design alternative guidelines for the application of methodological strategies that improve the process of teaching-learning of spelling of fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros EGB school, in the Loja canton, period 2018 - 2019.

With this background, it is concluded that the application of methodological strategies in the spelling teaching-learning process is of vital importance since they allow the teacher to develop her pedagogical work in an active and motivating way, facilitating meaningful learning in students, in Based on this, it is recommended to work with the workshop activities that are proposed as an alternative guideline.



The materials used in the research work were:



         Printing ink.




         Cell phone.

         Telephone recharges



         Office supplies.


         Specialized bibliography.




Type of study

This research is descriptive because it allowed a methodical observation throughout the research process, the different characteristics of the educational reality were analyzed and recorded, in addition to describing everything about the diagnosis to find the existing problem and detailing the reason for it., that is, the situation of the teaching-learning process that occurs in the subject of language and literature specifically in the branch of spelling was described.



The present investigation is of a mixed nature, since it worked with a single parallel, fifth grade, that is, there was no comparison control with other parallels, in addition, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed. The quantitative approach was applied when determining numerical results and the qualitative approach allowed explaining, exploring and describing the qualities of the object of study.



The present research work is of a non-experimental nature, because a bibliographic review was carried out to characterize the first variable, and in the second variable a survey was applied to determine the characteristics of the teaching-learning process of spelling, this It allowed us to understand the object of study, as well as establish alternative guidelines to solve the problem.



The methods used in the research were the following:

Observational method. Through this method it was possible to observe, detect and characterize the reality of the educational institution and its actors, its problems, daily functioning, and methodological designs used in the educational process.

Descriptive method. This method allowed us to systematically observe the object of study and catalog the information to understand its problems, in addition to providing data on the methodological processes used in the classroom related to the topic, and also on the group of participants in the research.

Inductive method. This method allowed us to establish knowledge from particular to general facts, that is, it was used in the study and analysis of educational reality, to deduce criteria and finally reach conclusions about the problems of said institution.

Deductive method. With this method, the development of students and teachers was generally observed to have a first approach to the reality of the educational process framed within the research object.

hermeneutical method. It was related to the approach of the theoretical framework, when reviewing the existing literature on the variables treated and for the interpretation of the results obtained during the work carried out.

Analytical method. With this method, the activities carried out by each of the actors in the educational process were recognized and with this the strategies and tools used by the teacher and their application were deduced; as well as the response and degree of acceptance of these resources by students.

synthetic method. With this method, the educational process of the institution was carefully analyzed from the techniques that the teacher applies in his classes, as well as the environment in which the students' learning takes place. In this way, the most appropriate procedures were synthesized for the degree and complexity of the contents in the subject studied.

Statistical method. It allowed us to collect, analyze and characterize a set of data related to the research topic and at the same time contributed to the description of the problem through summary, tables and graphs.

Techniques and instruments:


Observation: Through this technique, the study phenomenon was carefully observed to take information and record it for subsequent analysis, where the object of observation is spelling, the subject is the children and the classroom teacher.

The Survey: This technique was applied to the teacher, with the purpose of knowing the methodology used in the teaching-learning process of spelling, and also to the students, with the intention of collecting information on the level of knowledge and mastery they presented about spelling rules.


Observation Guide: This instrument served as support to record information about the participants, based on a list of important points that were evaluated according to what was observed in order to determine the problem and the research topic.

Written questionnaire: With the help of this instrument, the necessary data was collected to comply with the stated objectives.



Procedure for diagnosis

         The instrument for diagnosis was developed.

         A survey was designed for the classroom teacher and students, focused on knowing the causes that lead to this problem.

         The instruments were applied to both the classroom teacher and the students.

         The information obtained was tabulated, and tables and graphs were statistically created for each question for a better understanding of the results.

         Each response obtained from the surveys was contrasted with what is reported in the literature; In addition, a qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out.


Procedure for theoretical foundation

         In relation to each variable, the theoretical framework was constructed by searching for information in different bibliographic sources.

         The subtopics of the variables were taken into consideration according to their importance and were arranged according to the content.

         The theoretical foundation was written putting APA standards into practice.


Procedure to propose alternative guidelines

         The results obtained were interpreted and analyzed.

         The alternative guideline was designed considering the application of methodological strategies that improve the teaching-learning process of students' spelling.



The investigated population was made up of 22 students and a teacher from the fifth grade of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school, in the 2018-2019 school year, located in the Las neighborhood.



Spelling is the part of grammar that regulates the correct way of writing; The rules tell us when and how each of the established graphemes or signs should be used to graphically represent the language. During the teaching period in basic education, it is essential that the teacher places emphasis on the student acquiring the necessary bases to develop spelling competence, through various exercises that lead to the mastery of spellings and the formation of caring attitudes. and analysis of what is written, for this the teacher requires a broad list of methodological strategies with the aim of improving the educational quality of the students, allowing them to acquire comprehensive, non-mechanical knowledge, that is, they can relate what they already know and value what they learn logically.

Teaching spelling requires diverse strategies, techniques, methods, among others, that allow the student to feel motivated in the classroom and obtain significant learning. Based on this topic, several authors and researchers have carried out further studies. depth, to which we must resort so that said information is relevant to the present investigative work.

For this research, four objectives have been proposed, one general and three specific, from which the following discussion arises:

Within the first specific objective, which is to characterize the methodological strategies to facilitate the teaching-learning process of spelling, of the fifth grade students of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school, in the Loja canton, period 2018 - 2019. According to the results of the survey applied to the teacher, in question number one, 100% stated that they did not have knowledge about the concept or definition of methodological strategies; Question three indicates that it uses the method of continuous evaluation, audio-motor (dictations), repetition of the misspelled word and memorization of spelling rules, traditional strategies that cause disinterest in students to learn, on the other hand, in the Question one of the student survey, the majority consider learning spelling complicated and boring and, in question five, 41% reiterate not understanding the teacher when she explains the topic. In this regard, Arguello and Sequeira (2016) consider that:

Methodological strategies are a set of procedures that serve teachers to improve the teaching-learning process. These must be selected and applied according to the contents and particular characteristics of the students in a structured way, so that they provide the student with interest, motivation and the development of comprehension skills, generating significant learning (p.7).

Due to the aforementioned, the application of methodological strategies in the teaching-learning process is of utmost importance, since they give the teacher the opportunity to select among several pedagogical procedures those that he considers most appropriate to develop in a sequential and motivating way all the contents.

The students' responses show that the main factor in their poor academic performance is the lack of motivation on the part of their teacher; problem that, based on theoretical and scientific argumentation, requires that the teacher use motivating methodologies that awaken the student's interest and allow them to know the effort required by a task, so that they can focus their attention on carrying it out, and it can be the promoter of his own learning.

In reference to the second specific objective, determine the characteristics of the teaching-learning of spelling that the fifth grade students of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school, in the Loja canton, have developed, period 2018 - 2019.

The responses obtained from the survey administered to the teacher and the fifth grade students showed the lack of knowledge of how to use the spelling rules, since in question six, 20% of the students, the highest percentage, They claim to know the spelling rules imposed in the curriculum for this grade, however, when answering question eight, the performance of 55% of the students was regular in the use of the letters (h, j, g). ", "v", "b") and application of accent marks.

On the other hand, in question nine it was evident that the vast majority of students do not have knowledge of the use of the letters s, c, z, the application of accent marks, homophonous words and punctuation marks (comma)., period, semi-colon, question marks and exclamation marks), which is confirmed in the survey applied to the classroom teacher. However, improving this reality is possible if we follow arguments such as those of Snchez (2009) where he states that:

Spelling must be apprehended by the student in gradual steps, contextualized in its communicative use within written expression, considered its significant function in the transmission of messages and automated so that it does not cause unnecessary overload in the complex writing process (p .17).

It should be emphasized that both the teaching and learning of spelling is essential within the educational system because it involves the development of the person on a social and personal level, and even today whoever masters the spelling discipline is very well regarded, with a good social and professional image which facilitates social, academic and work relationships.

The third specific objective refers to the design of alternative guidelines for the application of methodological strategies that improve the teaching-learning process of spelling of fifth grade students of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school, in the Loja canton, period 2018. - 2019.

To respond to this objective and design alternative guidelines, the answer given by the teacher in questions seven and three was taken into consideration, where she indicates that the students have spelling difficulties because she has not been able to train in methodological strategies and the methodology used is It is based on the method of continuous evaluation, audio-motor (dictations), repetition and memorization of the misspelled word, which has caused students to show less interest in learning, do not find the knowledge useful and, consequently, reject the acquisition of the same causing them to have spelling difficulties, this is confirmed with the answers given by the students in questions one and three, where 55% consider spelling boring and very difficult.

Likewise, both the teacher and the students recognize the dictionary as the only instrument for consulting terms, which Palma (2012) confirms:

In the teaching of spelling there is a high percentage of teachers who only teach the error and open the dictionary to correct it, but it would be much more beneficial to propose various activities where what the student writes is read by others (not just the teacher to evaluate) this will make you question whether what you have written will be understood, then spelling correction makes more sense and, through systematic reviews and exercises to strengthen perception, improve your mastery. (p.133)

The application of strategies in the classroom is an effective process, through which the skills that allow the student to learn to learn are chosen, coordinated and applied, through the use of intellectual tools that they possess, with the sole purpose of It is easier to acquire new knowledge, attitudes, values ​​and skills that you can use when faced with situations that test your performance and creativity. In addition, teaching spelling requires the varied use of reference materials since It gives students confidence in what they write, any doubt can be resolved, while the lack of these materials limits the learning process and the development of cognitive skills in the student.

Taking into consideration the results of the teacher and students with respect to the main methodological strategies that favor the teaching-learning process of spelling, it is proposed to outline a workshop based on publicizing methodological strategies such as: visual memory, alphabetic method or spelling., ideo-visual method, playful method and reference materials, all of this with the resolution of activities that allow students to develop their skills and abilities.

Based on the ideas presented, the general objective was successfully achieved since each of the specific objectives was met sequentially, and it was possible to scientifically substantiate the importance of applying methodological strategies in the teaching-learning process of spelling to improve students' academic performance.

Spelling is the element of language that favors oral and written expression through the meaning and coherence of words. It is the teacher who will guide students to the correct application of spelling rules; through appropriate processes and methods, estimating that to achieve favorable results within their learning. (Palma, 2012, p.38)

Using Palma's words, it is necessary for teachers to keep in mind that they are responsible for facilitating the teaching and learning processes, energizing the students' activity, so the correct choice of the strategies to be used favors their student performance in different disciplines and improve their work and study possibilities.

Finally, it is stated that spelling success depends on the correct development of the perceptual, linguistic, and mental representation areas, in addition to the motivational and attentional areas, so the application of methodological strategies is essential in the learning process. It shows that this work was carried out with all scientific severity, in an orderly and systematic manner, so it could be used for future research.



Results obtained from the surveys applied to the teacher and the students, about the methodological strategies and their contribution in the teaching-learning of spelling in the fifth grade of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school.



Survey applied to the classroom teacher

According to your criteria, what is the definition of methodological strategies?


Board 1




Particular skill or ability of a person to use these procedures or resources.

They are the procedures used in teaching to promote meaningful learning.

They are the tools that the teacher uses to obtain evidence of the students' performance in a teaching and learning process.

Document that serves as a guide and guides the teacher's work and facilitates the teaching-learning process.




Source: Survey applied to the fifth grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Graph 1

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school.

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

Methodological strategies are the set of processes, techniques, global activities that are developed sequentially; they allow students to reflect, consequently, the construction of meaningful and functional learning (Ordez, 2002, p.23).

The teacher defines methodological strategies 100% as tools that the teacher uses, necessary to obtain evidence of the students' performance in a teaching and learning process.

The results of this question reveal that the teacher does not have knowledge about the concept or definition of methodological strategies; since according to the author these are the procedures used in teaching to promote meaningful learning, which does not coincide with the answer selected by the teacher.


How often do you use methodological strategies to teach spelling to your students?


Board 2







Almost always












Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


graph 2

Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors




Analysis and interpretation

Talking about methodological strategies means the possibility for teachers to select among several didactic procedures, those that are considered most appropriate to achieve the objectives (Salicetti, 2010, p.65).

In this question, the teacher affirms 100% that she never uses methodological strategies when teaching spelling to her students.

As stated, methodological strategies are actions, logically coordinated to direct student learning towards certain objectives, which is why they are of great help to teachers; According to the data collected, the teacher has never applied them in the classroom, so it is recommended to start using them to improve the teaching-learning process.


Of the following methodological strategies detailed below, indicate which ones you use in the Teaching-Learning Process for spelling.


Board 3





Continuous evaluation method




Audio-motor method




Visual memory








Repetition of the corrected word

playful method







Memorization of spelling rules











Source: Survey applied to the fifth grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 3

Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

The application of methodological strategies within the educational field, specifically in the branch of spelling, has revolutionized the way of working in the classroom because it enables the development of a series of actions that seek adequate inter-learning in students, guaranteeing the success of the process. educational (Galeas, 2014).

It can be seen that there is 25% in the use of the continuous evaluation method; 25% in the audio-engine; 25% in repeating the corrected word and another 25% in memorizing spelling rules.

There is a varied number of methodological strategies that can be used in the classroom to improve the educational process of spelling and guarantee its success as Galeas mentions, however, the teacher indicates that she uses the method of continuous, audio-assessment. motor (dictations), repetition of the misspelled word and memorization of spelling rules, both to explain and to evaluate the different rules of accentuation and punctuation, leaving aside strategies such as play that allows students to play while they learn; self-correction exercises integrate the knowledge already acquired with the ability to correct your own errors; and the visual memory method that will teach them, not to memorize spelling rules but, Through observation, they will process the word as an image, raising their level of writing and expanding their perception.





According to your criteria, how often students are interested in using spelling rules correctly.


Tabla 4







Almost always












Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors

Grph 4

Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

Motivation seeks to make the student feel convinced that they need to know a certain topic; The environment and the people around him give him the impulse to be interested in this topic and find the joy of learning new things (Jimnez, 2014).

The data allows us to know that in the teacher's opinion, 100% of the students are sometimes interested in using the spelling rules correctly.

The author considers that depending on the level of interest that the student has in the topic of study, the new content and knowledge acquired will be much more significant for them. Taking into account the results obtained, it is known that in the classroom only sometimes are students interested in correctly using the spelling rules, so it will be necessary for the teacher to plan her activities in such a way as to draw the students' attention. and can understand the importance they have for their daily lives.


According to your criteria, how do you evaluate the level of spelling skill with which the students came to the classroom?


Board 5



















Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 5

Source: Survey applied to the fifth grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors




Analysis and interpretation

Skill is the ability to do something correctly; it is not usually an innate skill, but is usually acquired. Within the area of ​​language and literature, for the development of spelling skills, the most common thing is to follow a long process, from the recognition of new words to familiarization with them, during this process repetition and consistency are key elements to achieve true skill. The more times a certain word is written or read, the chances of remembering its writing and becoming skilled in using the rules will increase. (Schmidt, 2013)

The teacher rates 100%, regularly, the level of spelling skill with which the fifth grade students began the academic period, and taking into consideration what was mentioned by the author, it can be said that, in the previous grades, the an adequate process so that children can develop this skill; The spelling rules, like all the study topics of Basic General Education, vary in level of difficulty in each of the grades, which allows students to increase their knowledge base with each grade completed, familiarization with the form Writing words should be of utmost importance from the beginning of schooling. Otherwise, insertion into new words will be more difficult.

According to your criteria, mark with an X the level of mastery that the students present in relation to the spelling rules: use of the letters h, j, g, v, b, s, c, z; m before p and b; use of capital letters; accent application; homophonous words and punctuation marks.


Board 6
















Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors






Grph 6

Source: Survey applied to the fifth grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

In the Language and Literature Curriculum (2016) and the Teacher's Guide for fifth grade (2010), it is stipulated:

The contents are a set of knowledge, which constitute a means to develop students' skills. The criteria that were used for its preparation and sequencing were: Order according to the function of the curricular blocks, gradualness according to the complexity and level of abstraction (...). In the spelling section for fifth grade, it also develops the content included in the curriculum for each course. In general, they are graded from the simplest to the most complex, working on word graphics, that is, knowing which spellings should be used, punctuation, among others. (p.13)

The teacher considers that the level of mastery of the rules for the use of the letters h, v, b, s, c, z, application of accent marks, homophonous words and signs of punctuation (comma, period, semi-colon, question marks and exclamation marks), in 67% is low and in 33% the level of proficiency is medium in the use of capital letters, the letters j and g, rule of m before p and b.

The previous quote allows us to know that the content taught follows a level of difficulty according to the grade in which it is developed, so it is evident that in each grade the students increase their learning that at the beginning only basics were given, with the Over time, students have the opportunity to expand and master class topics (spelling rules and their correct use). In this sense, the classroom teacher makes it known that the level of mastery that the students present is low, considering the set of knowledge that they must already possess, up to the degree in which they are.

Why do you think students have spelling difficulties?


Board 7




Lack of training in methodological strategies for teaching spelling




Little student interest



Lack of motivation





Students do not understand the explanations about the use of spelling rules due to learning problems.








Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 7

Source: Survey applied to the fifth grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

To ensure that students show a positive disposition towards learning, the teacher's attitude should not be limited to the transmission of knowledge, but should place emphasis on how he or she does it. To do this, it has different strategies to apply in the classroom, make its classes more attractive and awaken students' interest in the curricular content, so that at the end they feel satisfied with having learned something new. (Vsquez, 2010)

In the results of the survey, the teacher considers that the lack of training in methodological strategies for teaching spelling, the student's low interest and the lack of motivation, with a percentage of 33% each, are the reasons why Students have spelling difficulties.

The author states that for better learning to take place, students must show a positive disposition towards its acquisition, and based on the teacher's responses, it can be seen that she has not been able to train in methodological strategies, which has generated the lack of knowledge of how to arouse students' interest in the work topic. This may be the reason for the other two responses, which have to do with motivation, since in the classroom students are unmotivated, show less interest in learning, do not find knowledge useful and, consequently, reject acquisition of the same causing them to have spelling difficulties.


What resources do students use to consult terms?


Board 8










Internet sources




Visit to library



Consultation sheets









Source: Survey applied to the fifth grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 8

Source: Survey applied to the fifth-grade teacher at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors

Analysis and interpretation

Camps, Milian, Montserrat, Bigas, Cabri (2007) in their work: Teaching spelling, they state

When the child writes, he needs to resolve the doubts and difficulties that arise; the teacher must intervene throughout the process, and not only to correct errors in the final product, but to provide him with the multiple instruments he needs. (p.44)

Regarding the resources for consulting terms, the teacher uses the dictionary 100% in the classroom. Taking into consideration what the authors say, to obtain a better result in teaching spelling rules, and to fully carry out the activities, students must have access to diverse material that allows them to resolve doubts without depending on the teacher, so Given the teacher's response of only using the dictionary as a source of reference, leaving aside other resources such as the books that the institution has, Internet sources, or reference sheets, among others, the The teacher's main role is to facilitate learning for the student. It is recommended to implement new resources for consulting terms, thus allowing, on the one hand, all students to collaborate solving a task and, on the other, to have the necessary instruments to do so.


Results of the survey applied to fifth grade students of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school

Taking into account that spelling is the correct way of writing, respecting various norms and rules. How do you consider spelling?


Board 9



















Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school.

Responsible: The authors



Grph 9

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school.

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

The Graduate in Social and Cultural Organizations, Jorge Luis Prioretti (2015) in his article Willingness to learn states:

Learning is a difficult process that involves the person in all its facets: intellectual, emotional, social and cultural. Learning requires that the person feel good in the learning situation. In order to learn, we need to be relaxed, feel at home, accompanied, understood.

According to the results, it is evident that 12 students, corresponding to 55%, find learning spelling boring; 7 of them, which means 32%, believe that it is complicated; 2 students, which is equivalent to 9%, find it interesting and 1 student, which is 5% of the population, thinks it is pleasant.

The previous quote allows us to know that correct learning occurs in the classroom, when not only the content that will be taught is taken into consideration but also factors such as the environment, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and the needs of each student. . The results show that the vast majority of students consider the study of spelling boring and complicated, which is why the teacher is required to enhance their interest, taking into account their level of development, their prior knowledge, their educational history and therefore Of course, the development of the class, the topic and how it is taught will be of vital importance.




Do you think it is important to learn spelling?


Board 10













Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 10

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

Palacios (as cited in Palma, 2012) mentions three reasons why it is important to know how to express oneself adequately in writing, respecting signs, accents, and rules of writing words. Firstly, he considers that, to the extent that expression is mastered, written, the chances of having an effective conversation with the expectation of having positive responses will increase; secondly because most academic evaluations are based on written activities; and the third reason is that ideas, thoughts, and feelings are also expressed through writing.

The results indicate that 20 students, representing 91%, affirm that it is important to learn spelling and 2 students, equivalent to 9%, indicate that learning spelling is not important.

Indeed, students recognize the importance of learning and practicing spelling since without a doubt and according to the author, mastering it is essential for the correct written formulation of thoughts and ideas; It facilitates communication between individuals and its correct use at an academic level represents an assessment resulting in good or poor academic performance.


Do you think spelling is difficult?


Board 11







almost always












Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 11

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors

Analysis and interpretation

Writing requires the joint use of various cognitive functions that must work in a coordinated manner, such as, for example, perception (seeing the shape of the letter), association (matching sound with letter), it also involves memory systems (remember the spelling rules, their exceptions and the letter with which certain words are written) and finally there is fine psychomotor skills, necessary to be able to manipulate the pencil and reproduce letters and words correctly. (Gaitn, 2017)

According to the data, 12 students representing 55% consider that spelling is always difficult; 5 which is 23% say that sometimes; 4 who correspond to 18% say that it is almost always difficult and, for 1 student who is 5%, spelling is easy.

The previous quote shows us the process involved in writing appropriately, among them are remembering the spelling rules, and with what letter to write a certain word, during this period, students must think quickly and precisely how the words sound and then convert these sounds into writing, which causes a period of confusion between various letters, increasing the difficulty in understanding the rules of writing; It is here where the teacher plays a fundamental role in guiding and, above all, motivating learning, using concrete and appropriate methodologies that help the student break down the problem with the sole intention of facilitating their understanding of the way words are written.


You are interested in using spelling rules correctly.


Tabla 12







Almost always












Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 12

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors

Analysis and interpretation

Spelling rules allow us to recognize irregularities or exceptions in the writing of words and dispel doubts; Their learning will depend, to a large extent, on the exercises and practices that are carried out and, above all, on the interest shown by the student. Therefore, the teacher must focus their attention on the constant search for a variety of exercises that provide motivation to learn it and practice it constantly. (Snchez, 1998 p.21).

In this question, regarding the students' interest in the correct use of spelling rules, 13 of them, corresponding to 59%, affirm that they never have interest; 4 students, which is 18%, say that almost always; 4 which is equivalent to 18% sometimes and 1 which is 5% consider that they always want to use the spelling rules correctly.

The vast majority of students affirm that they are never interested in learning spelling rules, which could be confirmed with the data obtained from the survey applied to the teacher; The author considers that the teaching of spelling rules is of utmost importance for their educational development and for this, routine activities should be avoided, since the majority of students respond positively to a well-organized subject, taught by an enthusiastic teacher. that has a prominent interest in students and what they learn, that is, it creates conditions that promote motivation.


Do you understand your teacher when he explains the spelling rules?


Board 13



















Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors




Grph 13

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

The teacher is the highest authority in the classroom, the one who disseminates knowledge, both practical and theoretical, the student is a being with a desire to learn, however, there are usually certain situations in which it is not easy to capture the student's complete attention. , since there are several factors that cause distractions in it, for this reason, the teacher must be trained to develop methodological strategies that allow students to easily understand the content (Gonzlez, 2016).

In the results, 9 students, which represents 41%, affirm that they never understand their teacher when he explains the spelling rules; 8 students who are 36% consider that sometimes; 3, which corresponds to 14%, say that they always understand him and 2 students, which is equivalent to 9%, say that they almost always understand their teacher.

The author makes known the teacher's need to capture the attention of students in order to maximize the learning process, applying methodological strategies according to their needs. The results show that the vast majority of students claim not to understand their teacher when he explains the spelling rules, which demonstrates the lack of methodological strategies in the teaching-learning process.


Mark with an X the spelling rule you know.


Board 14




Use of the letter h



Use of the letters j and g



Use of Capital Letters



Use of v and b



Use of s, c, and z



Use of m before p and b



Tilde application



Homophones words



Punctuation marks








Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 14

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

Benavides, (2016) states that:

Knowing and knowing when and how to correctly apply the spelling rules established by the Royal Academy of Spanish Language (RALE), particularly helps students to develop the skill of writing concepts based on the dosage of spelling rules that They must study until the fifth grade of Basic Education, according to the curriculum, allowing them to express themselves coherently in writing diverse texts and understanding the semantics of words. (p.42)

According to the results obtained, 20% know the use of capital letters; 20% the use of the letter M before P and B; 16% the use of the letter H; 15% use of the letters s, c and z; 15% punctuation marks; 14% the use of the letters J and G; 14% use of V and B; 14% application of the accent and 3% of students know homophones.

Within the General Education Curriculum, the spelling topics that students must know up to fifth grade are stipulated; The data reveal that the students obviously recognize some topics, however, from the test carried out, it is deduced that they do not have a level of mastery according to the grade they are in.


When you do your homework in class, what resources do you use to correct spelling errors?


Board 15




Use of the dictionary



Book consultations



Consultation sheets



You visit the library









Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 15

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors

Analysis and interpretation

It is important to have different materials in the classroom to be used to answer questions that arise and to generalize learning. But, obviously, it is not enough to have them in class, but to make meaningful use of them, so that students perfect their writing and acquire the confidence necessary to automate spelling. (Palma, 2012, p.132).

The data collected regarding resources for correcting spelling errors shows that 100% use the dictionary.

The students, like the teacher, confirm that the dictionary is the only instrument they use to correct spelling errors, which does not agree with what was stated by the author, who considers that the varied use of reference materials provides them with gives students confidence in what they write, since any doubt can be resolved, while the lack of these materials limits the learning process and the development of cognitive skills in the student.

Using the spelling rules of using the letters h, j, g, v, b and applying accent marks, complete the words with the corresponding letter.


Baord 16







Very good












Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Grph 16

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors

Analysis and interpretation

In the curriculum of the language and literature area of ​​the elementary and middle sublevel of 2016 it is stipulated:

From the perspective of the development of linguistic awareness, grammar and spelling have the mission of enhancing both the communicative dimension and the learning tool and method for the construction of knowledge that writing has. Metalinguistic reflection depends on the degree of mastery of the students in the management and use of the written language. The more they express themselves and communicate in writing, the greater their interest will be in reflecting on the system and structure of the Spanish language. (p.70).

In the activity of completing with the correct letter on the use of the letters: h, j, g, v, b and application of accent marks, the results show that 12 students corresponding to 55 %, show regular performance; In 6 students who are 27% their performance is good and 4 students who represent 18% their performance was very good.

The curriculum is a reference for teachers about what they want to achieve, it offers guidelines for action and methodological guidelines on how to achieve it, therefore it also contains the contents that must be taught in each grade; and based on the results of the activity of completing the words with the correct letters (h, j, g, v, b) and applying the accent, the assertion of the teacher saying that they have a low level of mastery in these topics.


Dictation of words with the letters: s, c, z, capital letters, punctuation marks and homophones.

Dictado de palabras con las letras: s, c, z, maysculas, signos de puntuacin y palabras homfonas.


Board 17







Very good












Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors

Grph 17

Source: Survey applied to fifth grade students at the Jos Ingenieros school

Responsible: The authors


Analysis and interpretation

Cantero (2017) states that dictation is one of the tools most used by teachers for years, becoming something traditionalist. However, dictation can potentially be dynamic and communicative, depending on how it is made effective, since it allows the development of linguistic skills (listening, understanding and writing).

According to the results of the dictation of words on the correct use of the letters: s, c, and z, capital letters, punctuation marks and homophonous words, the performance of 17 students corresponding to 77% is regular and, that of 5 students, which is equivalent to 23%, their performance is good.

Taking into consideration what was stated by the author, the dictation was used to evaluate the spelling skills that the students have acquired and it was evident that the vast majority do not have knowledge of the use of the letters s, c, z. , application of accent marks, homophonous words and punctuation marks (comma, period, semi-colon, question marks and exclamation marks), which is confirmed in the survey applied to the classroom teacher.



Depending on the objectives, the following conclusions are raised:

         The present research work was theoretically based, therefore, it could be concluded that the application of methodological strategies in the spelling teaching-learning process is of vital importance since they allow the teacher to develop her pedagogical work in an active and motivating, facilitating meaningful learning in students.

         Through the data collection techniques and instruments used to know the characteristics of the teaching-learning process of spelling in the fifth grade of the Jos Ingenieros Basic General Education school, it was determined that the methodology used by the teacher is traditional by not applying methodological strategies in their pedagogical work, which has generated disinterest among students in learning and correctly practicing spelling rules.

         Comparing the results of the reality of the problem with the theoretical foundations, we conclude the urgent need to design as an alternative guideline a pedagogical workshop that covers a variety of information on methodological strategies, which when used in the teaching of spelling will innovate the teaching work. At the same time, students will be able to carry out activities that match their needs and interests, motivating them to infer, deduce and actively participate in learning.



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